Foods That Can Cause Monoamine Oxidase Inhibition

This article is part of the series about migraine and hypertension. An introduction can be found here. The different manifestations of migraine without headache with aura can be read here. Tyramine rich foods that can trigger a hypertensive crisis and migraines are listed here. Tyramine is present in many foods that we eat. As they…

Foods High in Tyramine

The tyramine content of foods is relevant to two groups of people. The first are those with hypertension, and the second are the ones with migraines. Many people with migraines or migraineurs may not know that they have migraines, particularly if they don’t have a headache. Not all migraines have headaches. Some will only have…

Migraine Aura Without Headache

If you have seen flashes of light, visual distortions, or bright spots in your visual field, read on. You may have migraines with aura. Migraine without a headache is possible and common.  What makes it a migraine is the aura, even in the absence of a headache. The aura can manifest in different ways and…

Can Healthy Foods Give You Migraine and Hypertension?

Many foods that we eat to stay healthy can also trigger migraines and also elevate blood pressure. This short article is an introduction to the series. Migraines Presents in Many Ways.  The classical migraine is a unilateral headache. Some migraines present only with visual disturbances. That is called Migraine with Aura without a headache. A…