Prion disease and brain degeneration after COVID-19 shots

New research from France showed the rapid onset of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) with high mortality after receiving Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca COVID-19 shots in Europe.[1]

The authors include Jean-Claude Perez, a Ph.D. in Math and Computer Science; Claire Moret-Chalmin, a neurologist; and Luc Montagnier, R.I.P., a Nobel Prize winner in Virology. The paper is in the early stage and is not yet peer-reviewed.

Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease is a rare prion disease that causes brain degeneration. Another name is spongiform encephalopathy because the prions lead to the formation of holes in the brain.

In cows, a similar condition is mad cow disease or bovine spongiform encephalopathy. It is called scrapie in sheep.

CJD is distinct from Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, which happens when humans ingest beef infected with the mad cow disease.

Prions are abnormal and misfolded proteins that are non-functional and serve as a template to make more prions in the brain. Properly shaped proteins are needed for normal brain function.

The spread of the prions in the brain as they are replicated explains the accelerated deterioration of brain function, eventually leading to early death.

Rapid onset of CJD

All in all, fifty patients developed CJD after the COVID shots. Of the fifty, twenty-six developed CJD symptoms 11.38 days after receiving the COVID-19 jabs.[1]

Source: Perez et al.

Those who received the mRNA shots (Pfizer and Moderna) had their first symptoms within fifteen days, while three cases with the most extended delays of first symptoms (30, 30, and 17 days) received the AstraZeneca jabs. 

That led the authors to ask, “Could this mean that the mRNA vaccines Phizer and Moderna lead to CJD forms faster than DNA vaccines?

CJD is fatal

By the time the study was written, 20 of the 26 had died. Eight died in 2.5 months, and 20 died in 4.76 months after the infection.

Source: Perez et al.

What’s in the COVID shots that might have caused the CJD?

The Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Sinovac COVID-19 shots contain the genetic sequence of the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that causes COVID-19.[1][3][4][5]

The goal of the COVID-19 mRNA and DNA shots is for the body to make the spike protein so that the body will develop an immune response to it. Within the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are prion regions.

The COVID-19 “vaccines” are based on the spike protein of the Wuhan type SARS-CoV-2, the original virus. The prion sequences are also in the succeeding variants: Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma. But not the Omicron.

Source: Perez et al.

Interestingly, the prion sequence is not present in the bat coronavirus, batRaTG13—the supposed origin of the SARS-CoV-2.[1]

Fragmented mRNA in the Pfizer shots

Stephanie Seneff from MIT and Greg Nigh, a naturopathic oncologist, also wrote about the possibility of prion diseases after the COVID shots in, Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19 published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research. [3]

They cited a document from the European Medicines Agency regarding the Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine that is of concern. [3]

One concerning revelation is the presence of “fragmented species” of RNA in the injection solution. These are RNA fragments resulting from early termination of the process of transcription from the DNA template.


These fragments, if translated by the cell following injection, would generate incomplete spike proteins, again resulting in altered and unpredictable three-dimensional structure and a physiological impact that is at best neutral and at worst detrimental to cellular functioning.


Pfizer claims the RNA fragments “likely… will not result in expressed proteins” due to their assumed rapid degradation within the cell.


No data was presented to rule out protein expression, though, leaving the reviewers to comment, “These [fragmented RNA] forms are poorly characterised, and the limited data provided for protein expression do not fully address the uncertainties relating to the risk of translating proteins/peptides other than the intended spike protein” (EMA 2020).


To our knowledge no data has been forthcoming since that time.


Source: Seneff and Nigh

CoronaVac and CJD

The Turkish Journal of Intensive Care published a case report from Turkey that talked about an 82 years old female patient who received an injection of the Sinovac vaccine from China. The symptoms started the day after getting the Sinovac vaccine. [2]

The symptoms were tremors and weakness on the right side of her body, regression of her state of consciousness, inability to recognize the people around her, impaired vision and place-time orientation, and meaningless shouts. The patient died due to progressive neurological disorders. 

Previous studies showed Prion sequences in SARS-CoV-2

The study by Perez et al. agrees with another research, Prion-like Domains in Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Differ across Its Variants and Enable Changes in Affinity to ACE2, published in the journal Microorganisms back in January 2022.[4]

Tetz and Tetz discovered the prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its variants. Those domains enable the SARS-CoV-2 to attach to the ACE2 receptors more avidly, and they were present in the succeeding SARS-CoV-2 variants except for the Omicron. [4]

Prion-like domains were also missing in other coronaviruses like the SARS-CoV, MERS, and OC43, a seasonal coronavirus.

Below is a heatmap showing the Prion-like domains in SARS-CoV-2 variants. The more red color (higher Log-Likelihood Ratio) scores, the higher possibility that the analyzed protein is a prion. Note the white color (absence of prion-like sequences) in Omicron.

Source: Tetz and Tetz

Bart Classen also discussed the possibility of prion diseases after COVID-19 vaccination in his research article, COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease, as early as December 2020 [5]. Perez and his group also validated his findings.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease after COVID-19

If the SARS-CoV-2 has prion-like sequences, is it possible for someone who had COVID-19 to develop Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?

A case report was made from the  Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. The patient was a previously healthy man in his 60s who developed symptoms a few days after exposure to COVID-19. [6]

He became confused, slowed and forgetful, and tested PCR positive for SARS-CoV-2. Over two weeks his disorientation worsened, he developed paucity of speech with paraphasic errors, and unsteady gait with intermittent right-hand clenching.

EEG, MRI, PET scan, and spinal fluid tests confirmed that he had CJD. His neurologic status worsened to mutism, right-sided weakness, spontaneous multifocal myoclonus (jerking), sleepiness, and agitation. He died two months after symptom onset.[6]

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease after the COVID shots

Based on the May 27, 2022 release of data, there have been 27 cases who developed CJD that have died after getting the COVID-19 shots. The details of each subject can be read on this LINK


How many die of Crutzfeld-Jakob Disease in the US per year?

Data compiled by the CDC since 1979 showed that the estimated number of people who die from CJD per year is 479, 561, and 538 for 2018, 2019, and 2020 respectively.

Possibly, some people who developed CJD after the COVID jabs are only coincidental. However, only time and adverse reporting will tell.

Take away message

Anyone who got the COVID-19 shots who developed Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (or any medical condition) should report to Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) or the FDA Adverse Reporting System (FAERS).

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  1. COVID shots cause a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome in those under 40 years old
  2. Pfizer and Moderna shots increase all-cause mortality: Denmark study
  3. The many problems of the Ivermectin study in the NEJM
  4. UK Study of COVID-19 shots and Excess Rates of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
  5. Pfizer BNT162b2 adverse events as of February 28, 2021
  6. Tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo after COVID vaccines
  7. The Moderna patented genetic sequence in SARS-CoV-2 makes it more infectious
  8. Pfizer COVID shot makes human liver cells produce SARS-CoV-2 spike DNA
  9. Risk-benefit analysis shows a higher risk of COVID vax death than COVID-19 disease for those under 80 years old
  10. Stanford study shows spike proteins in the blood for two days and lymph nodes for sixty days post COVID vaccination
  11. Rapid Progression of a Lymphoma following Pfizer booster shot


  1. Moret-Chalmin, C, Montagnier, Luc, Perez, Jean-Calude. Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Twenty-six cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 “vaccine” Jab. May 2022
    DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.14427.03366 [preprint]
  2. Kuvandık, et al. COVID-19 Aşısı Sonrası Creutzfeldt-Jakob Hastalığı (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease After the COVID-19
    Vaccination) Turk J Intensive Care. Dec. 21, 2021
    DOI: 10.4274/tybd.galenos.2021.91885
  3. Seneff, S., Nigh, G. Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines
    Against COVID-19. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(1), May 10, 2021 
  4. Tetz, G.; Tetz, V. Prion-like Domains in Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Differ across Its Variants and Enable Changes in Affinity to ACE2Microorganisms 202210, 280.
  5. Classen JB. COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021; 5(1): 1-3
  6. Young MJ, O’Hare M, Matiello M, Schmahmann JD. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a man with COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2-accelerated neurodegeneration? Brain Behav Immun. 2020 Oct;89:601-603. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.07.007. Epub 2020 Jul 15. PMID: 32681865; PMCID: PMC7362815.

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