How to Prevent Hyperglycemia Using the Vegetable Meat Carbohydrate Sequence

A simple rearrangement of macronutrients can significantly lower the blood sugar.
This video offers a straightforward solution that doesn’t require any additional spending.
The formula is simple: arrange your food sequence to start with vegetables, then proteins, and carbohydrates at the end.
This video is in Tagalog, but the slides are in English and have English subtitles.

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YouTube videos:
If you are interested in how to lower your blood sugar after meals when it is the highest, go to the following links to see my YouTube presentations. They all have English subtitles.

  1. The One-Hour Blood Sugar Predicts Common Deadly Diseases
  2. The Best Preload Foods To Lower Your Blood Sugar
  3. How to Prevent Hyperglycemia Using the Vegetable Meat Carbohydrate Sequence
  4. A High Protein Breakfast Prevents Surging Sugar All Day
  5. You Need To Know The Mindblowing Blood Sugar Lowering Effects Of Vinegar
  6. High blood sugar damages the arteries and changes the immune system.
Sun L, et al. Postprandial glucose, insulin, and incretin responses differ by test meal macronutrient ingestion sequence (PATTERN study). Clin Nutr. 2020 Mar;39(3):950-957. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2019.04.001. Epub 2019 Apr 27. PMID: 31053510.

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