An update to the I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19

If early treatment is not done, the SARS-CoV-2 replicates in the millions. The higher the viral load, the greater the chance for a cytokine storm resulting in severe and often fatal COVID-19.

What is new for prevention is the twice a week dosing of the ivermectin and the mouthwash.

Screenshots of the Protocols are below.


An update to the I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19

For the Early Outpatient Protocol, the changes are:

  • Additional information on ivermectin dosing for regions with an aggressive variant (delta).
  • Fluvoxamine has been added.
  • The Vitamin C dose has been decreased (the previous dose is 2,000 2-3 times daily)
  • Nasal and oral rinse is new.
  • A pulse oximeter to monitor oxygen level is officially recommended

An update to the I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19

Mask, Distancing, and Handwashing are still Essential

It is important to continue to wear cloth, surgical or N95 masks when in confined, poorly ventilated, crowded indoor spaces with nonhousehold members.

Keep a distance of about 2 meters for t6 feet from other people that are not from your household.

Wash your hands during and after outings from home (shopping, subway, etc.) Wash the hands thoroughly for about 20-30 seconds with soap or use a hand disinfectant in between.

Take away message

The COVID-19 delta variant may not have high mortality, but if a high-risk person gets it, they may get very sick. The solution is prevention and early treatment.

FLCCC Alliance Physicians

A list of physicians worldwide who are members of the FLCCC and uses the protocols above are available at this link.

Knowledge about Covid-19 is rapidly evolving. Information may update as new studies are made. Stay current by subscribing. Feel free to share.

Don’t Get Sick!

  1. COVID-19, Autoimmunity, and Vaccination Part 2
  2. 60% may already have Immunity to COVID-19
  3. Molecular Mimicry between the SARS-CoV-2 and the Breathing Center
  4. COVID-19, Autoimmunity, and Vaccination Part 1
  5. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine in Infections
  6. The MATH+ Protocol Results in Greater Survival in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
  7. Antibodies to COVID-19 can Exist in the Uninfected
  8. Sugar Increases Blood Pressure, Weight, Worsens Diabetes and COVID-19 Outcomes
  9. Zinc Deficiency Impairs the Immune System
  10. Vitamin C and COVID-19
  11. Any Science behind Elderberry for Influenza and Covid-19?

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