Shoulder Pain and its relief

My left shoulder was aching yesterday, probably from one of my deadlifts, pull-ups, kettlebell press, or push-ups. I tried to look for the cause to prevent it from worsening and improve my technique. I happened to stumble upon Dr. David Middaugh from El Paso Physical Therapy. In his video below, Dr. David said, “Shoulder impingement,…

How to Walk Correctly

In my years working in the emergency room, I have seen patients who got injured while doing exercises to get healthier. I’m no exception. Ever since I posted this article, Walk After Meals to Prevent Sky High Blood Sugars, I have been walking on the treadmill for about 20 to 40 minutes daily.  However, I developed…

Study Explains Why Some People Have No Adverse Events and Why Some Die after the COVID Shots

This article presents a study that could explain why some people react adversely to the Pfizer COVID-19 shots, and others do not. The authors from Denmark investigated the possibility of batch-dependent variation in light of the emergency-use authorization and large-scale vaccination programs of the COVID-19 “vaccines. The study was published as a Research Letter in the…

Get a gas leak detector to prevent your house from burning to the ground!

I have two hot water systems—a tankless by Rinnai and a Rheem Platinum Performance gas heater with a tank. I use the tankless more than the one with the water tank since it is more cost-effective. Gas heaters with tanks have to turn on and off the gas burner to keep the water hot, while…

A Tool Box of Strategies to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes When Eating High Glycemic Index Foods

This article aims to provide the reader with a set of tools (knowledge) that can be applied to achieve a blood sugar of less than 154.8 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L) after one hour of eating. That’s because a blood sugar of more than 155 (rounded off) is associated with many common and deadly diseases. I wrote…

Passing and Failing the One-Hour After-Meal Blood Sugar

The blood-sugar level one hour after a meal (one-hour post-prandial blood sugar or 1PPS  ) has been shown to predict future type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and many other common conditions that can drain time and treasure in old age. I wrote about them in Low One-Hour Post-Prandial Blood Sugar after One Cup of Rice. The…

Study: Those Up-to-Date with the Shots Gets More COVID-19

This article shows presents a study from the Cleveland Clinic that shows that people who are up-to-date with the mRNA COVID-19 shots are more susceptible to a COVID-19 infection. Recently I published The Devastating Effects of IgG4 after the mRNA COVID shots which showed that one consequence is the increased risk of SARS-pCoV-2 reinfection. The recently published…

The Devastating Effects of IgG4 after the mRNA COVID shots

This article discusses the adverse health effects of the IgG4 that can develop after mRNA COVID-19 jabs. Ig stands for immunoglobulin, which is another name for antibodies. There are five major types of immunoglobulins. They are G, A, M, D, and E, designated as IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE. They have different roles. IgAs are…

Low One-Hour Post-Prandial Blood Sugar after One Cup of Rice

Yesterday I posted that A High One-hour After-Meal Blood Sugar Test Can Lead to Several Deadly Conditions. In it, I showed that a blood sugar of more than 154.8 mg/dL or 8.6 mmol/L is highly predictive of the development not only of future type 2 or adult-onset diabetes but also cardiovascular disease and others, including higher all-cause mortality. …

A High One hour After-Meal Blood Sugar Test Can Lead to Deadly Diseases

This article presents studies showing that the blood sugar level one hour after eating (post-prandial blood sugar) is highly predictive of many common diseases. At least here in the US, blood sugar levels at home can be easily checked with an inexpensive glucometer that can be bought without needing a prescription. I heard that a…

The Blood Sugar Lowering and Metabolic Effects of Vinegar

This article discusses some of the beneficial effects of vinegar. A high blood sugar of more than 140 mg/dl or 7.8 mmol/L two after a meal (post-prandial) is predictive of atherosclerosis in everyone (diabetics and non-diabetics) The study that made that conclusion is in a previous article. After-meal high blood sugar predicts Atherosclerosis better than…

Study Proves that COVID mRNA Shots Increase Cardiovascular Mortality

A study compared the mortality risks of COVID-19 mRNA and vector-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccinees. However, examining the paper’s data shows increased cardiovascular mortality among recipients of the COVID mRNA shots. The study obtained the data for the mRNA vaccines” from the Pfizer, Moderna, and  CureVac COVID-19 trials. For the adenovirus vector-based COVID-19  jabs, info from the…

Ways to Lower After-Meal Blood Sugar when Eating White Bread

This article presents a study showing that doing the following on white bread can lower the blood sugar response after eating it. They are: Freezing and defrosting Toasting from fresh and Toasting following freezing and defrosting Background White bread is made of refined flour and is rapidly digested. The result is the immediate release and…

A High-Protein Breakfast Can Lower Blood Sugar the Whole Day

Previously, I wrote about the importance of eating breakfast in lowering blood sugar the entire day — Eating rather than skipping breakfast results in lower blood sugars the whole day. This article presents a study that shows a high-protein breakfast lowers the blood sugar of people with type 2 diabetes for the whole day. The…

The Simple Way To Keep Blood Sugar Low: Breakfast

This article presents four studies conducted among healthy people, those with metabolic syndrome and those with type 2 diabetes, showing that eating breakfast results in better blood sugar levels for the whole day. Background Before dawn, the body prepares for morning activities by secreting counter-regulatory hormones, including growth hormone, glucagon, cortisol, and adrenaline. They are…

A Repost for Mothers’ Day

This article is a repost from 2021. Still appropriate for Mothers’ Day. Fetal microchimerism is when the fetal cells travel outside the fetus and embed in the mother’s body during pregnancy. Those fetal cells can stay with the mother for decades and affect her health. The Chimera is a Greek mythological creature with parts taken…

The High Risk of Retinal Vascular Occlusions after the COVID jab

This article presents a study showing the high risk of being blind from blood vessel blockage of the eyes after the COVID mRNA shot. The peer-reviewed study published in Nature this month looked at the risk of developing blood clots in the blood vessels that supply the retina of the eyes. The retina is the…

Pistachios improve insulin resistance and inflammatory markers

This article presents a study showing that eating pistachios improves glucose and inflammatory markers among prediabetics. Many do not know that they have prediabetes. Prediabetes is when the fasting blood sugar is 100 to 125 mg/dl or if the after-meal blood sugar is more than 140 mg/dl. Like diabetes, prediabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular…

Pistachios decrease after meal blood sugar

This article discusses the beneficial effects of pistachios on after-meal blood sugar. Post-prandial hyperglycemia, the spike in blood sugar after a meal, has been found to increase the risk of forming atherosclerosis. A previous article showed that post-prandial high blood sugar predicts atherosclerosis better than fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c – After-meal high blood…