This article elaborates on immune imprinting that was mentioned in Dr. Robert Malone: Highly Vaccinated Countries have more COVID-19 deaths History Davenport and Hennessy described immune imprinting in their work on antibodies against influenza in 1956. They found that vaccination produces antibodies to strains previously encountered, but antibody response to strains experienced subsequently is relatively poor….
Author: Jesse Santiano, M.D.
Strokes Associated with COVID-19 vaccines
This article features the literature review of Kakovan and colleagues’ Stroke Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines. The Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases published it in June 2022 The authors from Iran and Denmarkgathered several cases reported from all over the world and sorted them into the types of strokes and the COVID vaccines that are…
Acute Transverse Myelitis Cases after COVID Vaccinations
This article features several case reports of COVID-19-associated Acute Transverse Myelitis (ATM) following the COVID-19 vaccination. Anatomy Acute Transverse Myelitis is an inflammation of a segment of the whole spinal cord. The spinal cord comes from the brain and is divided into the cervical (neck), thoracic (chest), lumbar (lower back), and sacrococcygeal (tailbone) segments. Spinal…
Noninfectious vaginal ulcers after AstraZeneca COVID shot
An acute non-infectious genital ulcer or Lipschütz ulcer after the AstraZeneca COVID (Vaxzevria®) vaccine was reported from Hospital de Galdakao-Usansolo, Spain. A 24-year-old woman went to the emergency room with four excruciating ulcers on the labia majora. She had received the vaccine from AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria®) 3 days before. She also had flu-like symptoms with fever…
The Lab Origin of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Professor Jeffrey Sachs chaired the Lancet COVID-19 Commission, which was created to help speed up global, equitable, and lasting solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently Prof. Sachs said something that created shockwaves. I’ll add one provocative statement. We could take it up later. It may shock you, it may not. Or you may say I…
Lower risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and deaths with Intermittent Fasting
Research from the Intermountain Heart Institute in Salt Lake, Utah, showed that subjects who fasted once a month consistently for an average of 40 years had a lower risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality at 11% compared to 28.8% of non-fasters.[1] Intermittent fasting decreases COVID-19 risks in all ages regardless of race or ethnicity, cardiac…
The Benefits of World Hunger. Satire or not?
An old article from the UN Chronicle – The Benefits of World Hunger has been getting much attention lately, and I partly reproduced it below, and you will understand why. Emphases added. We sometimes talk about hunger in the world as if it were a scourge that all of us want to see abolished, viewing…
The FLCCC I-CARE Early COVID Treatment Protocol
The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) is composed of clinicians who treat COVID-19. They are always at the forefront of formulating treatment protocols for COVID-19, Long Haul Syndrome and Post COVID Vaccine Syndrome. Recently, they updated their early COVID-19 treatment protocol and it is now the I-CARE Early COVID Treatment that I reproduce…
The I-PREVENT COVID Protection Protocol
The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance updated its protocols. I-PREVENT: COVID Protection Protocol is the new name for the COVID-19 Prevention Protocol. The I-PREVENT protocol must be part of an overall strategy that includes common-sense public health actions such as good hand hygiene, avoiding crowded public gatherings, adequate ventilation, and other measures. The following…
Neuropathic symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination
The preprint study, Neuropathic symptoms with SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, released in May 2022, discussed 23 patients with neuropathic symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Neuropathic symptoms arise from damage to the nerves. The somatosensory and the autonomic can be involved. Somatosensory nerves pick up light touch sensation, temperature, body position, and vibration. Neuropathic symptoms of the somatosensory nerves are felt…
A report on Kidney failures after COVID vaccinations
Update July 5, 2022: Type of kidney diseases after COVID-19 vaccination included. Kidney failure can arise after COVID vaccination. The cases presented here are from published case reports in medical journals. These reports were written by physicians that established a relationship between the COVID shots and the development of kidney diseases. Early diagnosis and treatment…
Complete Heart Block after the Pfizer COVID shot
This article is about a man who developed a complete heart block the day after getting the Pfizer COVID injection. A Complete Heart Block is an electrical block that can cause sudden death. That is different from a coronary artery blockage due to atherosclerotic plaque. Background: Normal Heart Conduction Blood flow from the heart depends…
Intermittent fasting results in new and stress-resistant the blood cells
This article continues on the topic of intermittent fasting for post-vaccine syndrome. Previously I covered the concept of autophagy to remove the spike proteins. Intermittent fasting for Post COVID Vaccine Syndrome: Autophagy. Viruses degrade the immune system The biological virus is similar to a computer virus. As the computer virus corrupts the instructions in the…
Intermittent fasting for Post COVID Vaccine Syndrome: Autophagy
Post-COVID vaccine syndrome is a constellation of adverse events after the COVID-19 vaccination. These adverse events commonly include myocarditis, strokes, and sudden deaths. The underlying causes are clot formation, autoimmunity, and exuberant inflammation due to the toxic spike protein made by the body after getting the mRNA shots (Pfizer and Moderna). In this article, I…
Study shows the aerosol transfer of vaccine-induced COVID antibodies to the unvaxxed
Update: August 14, 2023. ImmunoHorizons have published the featured research A preprint study shows that antibodies elicited by COVID vaccination may be transferred by aerosol to another person. The authors are from the University of Colorado School of Medicine – Anschutz Medical Campus.[1] The study compared anti-COVID-19 antibodies among vaccinated and unvaccinated households with adults…
The monkeypox virus rapidly evolving
The monkeypox (MPXV) virus now spreading in non-endemic countries has mutated at an unprecedented speed. That is according to a study published in Nature Medicine on June 24, 2022. The monkeypox in the current outbreak is different by 50 mutations compared to the monkeypox virus from the 2018-2019 outbreak. That is roughly 6 to 12…
COVID UPDATE: What is the Truth? Part 7 – Autopsies
The following is a segment of a reprint of Dr. Russell Blaylock’s article on Surgical Neurology International. Links and emphasis are added. WHY DID FAUCI WANT NO AUTOPSIES OF THOSE WHO DIED AFTER VACCINATION? There are many things about this “pandemic” unprecedented in medical history. One of the most startling is that at the height…
COVID UPDATE: What is the Truth? Part 6 – Deadly vaccine lots
The following is a segment of a reprint of Dr. Russell Blaylock’s article on Surgical Neurology International. Emphasis and links are added. HOT LOTS—DEADLY BATCHES OF THE VACCINES A new study has now surfaced, the results of which are terrifying.[25] A researcher at Kingston University in London has completed an extensive analysis of the VAERS…
Emergency meeting of the W.H.O. on Monkeypox
In May, I wrote that the 2021 Monkeypox tabletop exercise resulted in 3.2 billion cases and 271 million dead; in it, I discussed how the World Health Organization would use monkeypox to pass the Pandemic Treaty. Yesterday the WHO Emergency Committee convened to decide whether monkeypox is a global health emergency or a Public Health…
COVID UPDATE: What is the Truth? Part 3 – Masks, Fact checks, Mistreating the unvaxxed
The following is a segment of a reprint of Dr. Russell Blaylock’s article on Surgical Neurology International. Emphasis is added. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. The Ineffective and Harmful Effects of Masks The draconian measures established to contain this contrived “pandemic” have never been successful, such as masking the public, lockdowns, and…