COVID–19 Headlines April 13, 2020

  This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Click on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles in blue to read the articles from this website. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Relevant all the time: An…

Will the Pandemic get Better with Warm Weather?

There is a widespread belief that warmer weather in the summertime will lower the number of Covid-19 cases. The reason is that the warm sun and humidity will kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The SARS-CoV-2 causes Covid-19 disease. This is what the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report tried to answer. The paper is…

COVID–19 Headlines April 12, 2020

    If you are a subscriber to this website and are not getting any email notifications about the latest postings, please subscribe again. The recent restoration of the website may have deleted the list of subscribers. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you want to get the latest post please sign up with your email…

COVID–19 Headlines April 11, 2020

  The Covid-19 has infected more than 1.7 million and killed more than 103 thousand people worldwide. In the U.S. 18,777 deaths have been attributed to Covid-19. The flu is responsible for 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide. The deaths secondary to the flu for in the U.S. is estimated by the CDC to be 24,000…

The Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Covid-19 are Equally Infectious

There are two studies in this article: the Ningbo Study and its reanalysis. The Ningbo Municipal Center made the Ningbo Study for Disease Control and Prevention. The purpose was to know how infectious is the new coronavirus infection. That new coronavirus infection is later known as the COVID-19 disease. The Ningbo study concluded that people…

Physician Deaths from Covid-19

How many physicians who are treating Covid-19 patients have died? A report from medrxiv from April 8 gives us an answer. The study has not been peer-reviewed. However, the information has a value at the present as it may save lives. An internet search was used to obtain news reports for all physicians who have…

Can Talking Spread Viruses?

A new study came out on April 6 to find out if typical every day talking can spread viruses. The research has not been peer-reviewed, but their results add new information to what we know about how viruses spread. How did they test for the spread of Covid-19 by talking? Laser-light scattering is what they…

COVID–19 Headlines April 8, 2020

The Covid-19 has infected more than 1.4 million and killed more than 82 thousand people worldwide. It has killed more the flu can kill all year. According to the CDC, the deaths this year is estimated to be 24,000 to 63,000. If you are a subscriber to this website and are not getting any email…

SARS-CoV-2 Contamination in the Hospital Setting

  A preprint study was done in China to survey the parts of the hospitals that were most contaminated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The SARS-CoV-2 virus causes Covid-19. Many healthcare workers have gotten infected and died in China, Italy and the U.S. secondary to Covid-19. Knowing the places and objects in the health care setting and parts of the Personal Protective Equipment…

Why Scheduled Surgery Has to Wait in Covid-19

  Elective surgery is a medically necessary surgery that is scheduled in advance. During the early stages of the Covid-19 epidemic in China, several patients underwent elective surgery. At the time of surgery, it was not known that they have Covid-19. All the patients did not have any symptoms, although they carry the virus. They…

COVID–19 Headlines April 7, 2020

  Covid-19 has infected at least 1.35 million people worldwide. If you are a subscriber to this website and are not getting any email notifications about the latest postings, please subscribe again. The recent restoration of the website may have deleted the list of subscribers. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you want to get the…

How Long Can the Covid-19 Virus Survive on Common Surfaces?

  The SARS-CoV-2 virus is responsible for causing Covid-19 that has infected more than 1.3 million and killed almost 74 thousand people all over the world. For easier reading, I will use SARS-2 in place of SARS-CoV-2 in some parts of the article. Lancet recently published a study about long can SARS-CoV-2 viruses survive in…

COVID–19 Headlines April 6, 2020

  If you are a subscriber to this website and are not getting any email notifications about the latest postings, please subscribe again. The recent restoration of the website may have deleted the list of subscribers. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you want to get the latest post please sign up with your email on…

COVID–19 Headlines April 5, 2020

  If you are a subscriber to this website and are not getting any email notifications about the latest postings, please subscribe again. The recent restoration of the website may have deleted the list of subscribers. Sorry for the inconvenience. On the right side is the subscribe button. Please enter your email. An email message…

COVID–19 Headlines April 4, 2020

  This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Click on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles in blue to read the articles from this website. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. All of the articles I…

COVID–19 Headlines April 3, 2020 is thankfully back. I hope it stays this way. This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Click on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles in blue to read the articles from this website. As an Amazon Associate, I…

COVID–19 Headlines April 1, 2020 had problems recently after a plugin malfunctioned.  I am reconstructing the articles and links. Some of my articles line the ones about elderberry and ibuprofen are gone. I anyone has downloaded a copy of those articles, please send it to me at Stay tuned for future articles about zinc and other ways to…

COVID–19 Headlines Mar 31, 2020

This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Click on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles in blue to read the articles from this website. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. All of the articles I have…

Covid–19 Headlines Mar 30, 2020

This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Click on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles in blue to read the articles from this website. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. All of the articles I have…

Covid–19 Headlines Mar 29, 2020

The pandemic gets worse each day. Protect yourself and your loved ones. This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright.  Click on the titles to go to the full report. Click on the…