Definition The Kaizen way was popularized by Masaaki Imai. It means improvement. The Kaizen Way is a method adopted by the Toyota Motor Company and other successful companies to make small improvements to make production more efficient. The changes that are made appear minute to make a difference, but over time, numerous small incremental changes…
Author: Jesse Santiano, M.D.
China Makes Most Drugs for the United States.
This post is more like a book review than an original article. I read China Rx: Exposing The Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine by Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh. It is a worrying read about the state of medications in the U.S. and worldwide. The book is well researched and has…
Trans Fat: The Trojan Horse in Food
Trans fats are dreadful because it raises your risk of developing a heart attack by increasing your LDL and lowering your HDL. It damages the blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Read more about blood vessels in The Magical Endothelium. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration released in 2015 the, Final Determination…
Case Report: Gout
G.M. is a 61-year-old male who decided to do intermittent fasting after I discussed with him the benefits of fasting. He started out weighing 172 lbs with a waistline of 36 inches. At that time, he was also having frequent nonspecific vague abdominal pains. He saw his primary care physician and several specialists and had…
The Stand-in for All Our Screw-Ups
We all screw up. No exemption. Everybody makes mistakes, and mistakes have consequences. Every single one of them, whether you like it or not. What if we pile up all our missteps, faults, blunders, snafus, white lies, and sins in one pile? It could very well be a gigantic pile. What if there is an…
My Efficient Soup
How about a meal that you can cook in 20 minutes or less with minimal preparation and clean up? And at the same time make you feel full and pleasured after eating without any guilt knowing that what you had is the best for you? It is generic meat and bone soup stock that you…
Fatty Liver and Metabolic Syndrome
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” George Orwell. Animal Farm That animal is the fatty liver. As of 2016, 1 in 4 people have fatty liver, also known as Hepatic steatosis or Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).1 NAFLD is an abnormal accumulation of fat in the liver. It develops…
GERD/Heartburn and Metabolic Syndrome
This article is a segment of the series, Diseases Associated with Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). Metabolic Syndrome is diagnosed if three of the following conditions are present: fasting blood sugar more than 100 mg/dl, obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL, and high blood pressure of more than 130/85. Please refer to this article for more details. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)…
Sarcopenia: The Scourge of Aging
Sarcopenia means “little muscle.” We lose muscle mass beginning at age 30 and every year, a person may lose 2% of their muscle mass. Dynapenia is the age-related loss of muscular strength not related to a neurologic or muscular disease. The causes of sarcopenia and dynapenia include immobility, sedentary lifestyle, change in protein metabolism (more…
Diseases of the Female Urinary and Reproductive System Associated with Metabolic Syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Infertility The main clinical features of PCOS include menstrual irregularities, sub-fertility, hyperandrogenism (high testosterone or male hormone), and hirsutism (hairy). The report, Polycystic ovary syndrome, and metabolic syndrome explain how PCOS can cause infertility. Insulin resistance, found in metabolic syndrome, leads to a high insulin level (hyperinsulinemia, HI). HI is needed to “push”…
What Does Waist Circumference Really Measure?
“As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.” Doctor: “I want you to have some tests done right away. I am concerned that you may have metabolic syndrome. That will put you at risk for a heart attack and stroke.” You: “Sure, doc. Thanks for your concern. What do I do?” Doctor: “First, I…
Diseases of the Male Urinary and Reproductive System Associated with Metabolic Syndrome
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the swelling of the prostate gland. The prostate is located below the urinary bladder in men. Enlargement of the prostate gland causes difficulty in urination. Acute urinary retention is painful. If prolonged, urinary retention leads to kidney failure. That is why the insertion of a rubber catheter inside the penis…
The Magical Endothelium
The Fantastic Brick Road Imagine yourself walking in an old town, enjoying the scene, enjoying the fresh air, and appreciating the culture. You notice something different about the brick road. The road seems to be alive. It changes its width to accommodate travelers. The more traffic, the wider it gets, and the less traffic, the…
What is the Goal of Diabetes Treatment?
Is it to lower blood sugar? It is just plain “common sense,” right? The pervading logic of Type 2 diabetes treatment is that since it is an issue of high blood sugar, then the lower the blood sugar, the better is the patient. But is that all? Is there a higher purpose as to why…
Cui Bono Intermittent Fasting?
Who stands to benefit (Cui bono) from intermittent fasting? Well, it is not the food business. Not the foodservice industry (groceries and supply chain) that sold $1.46 trillion worth of food in 2014. Of this, $731 billion was supplied by foodservice facilities (restaurants). Not the advertising agencies that made $ 10 billion from pharmaceutical advertisements. …
How Will You Know if You are Thin on the Outside and Fat on the Inside?
This post is a continuation of the article, Can You be Skinny and Obese, wherein we talked about the Metabolically Obese Normal Weight (MONW) individual at risk for chronic diseases like diabetes heart problems. These individuals are Thin-Outside-Fat-Inside hence TOFI. An individual who has a sedentary lifestyle and has a liking for sweets, carbohydrates, and…
Can You be Skinny and Obese?
Oh Yeah! There is a condition called Metabolically Obese Normal Weight (MONW). It is synonymous with Thin on the Outside and Fat on the Inside. Also known as TOFI. How can being skinny and obese happen? There are different kinds of fat. The subcutaneous type is the one under the skin and can get…
Ear Problems and Metabolic Syndrome
This article talks about the ear problems that are associated with the risk factors that increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Dizziness and Vertigo in the ER Dizziness is one of the more common complaints in the emergency department. Patients will usually come in with a chief complaint of lightheadedness or a sensation…
The Difference between Intermittent Fasting and Starvation
One concern about intermittent fasting is that the body will go into “starvation mode.” Starvation mode is also known as a starvation response, famine response, and adaptive thermogenesis. In starvation, there is no food available. Examples will be incarceration in concentration camps or prolonged famine. Fasting is when there is food, and you choose…
Why Can’t I Lose Weight?
Related Readings: Diseases Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome How Will You Know if You are TOFI? Can You be Skinny and Obese? What Does Waist Circumference Really Measure? Why Do Bellies Bloat? How to Do Intermittent Fasting The Kaizen Way of Fasting 10 Unbelievably Easy Ways to Screw Up Intermittent Fasting! Will Fasting Make My…