Can Healthy Foods Give You Migraine and Hypertension?

Many foods that we eat to stay healthy can also trigger migraines and also elevate blood pressure. This short article is an introduction to the series.
Migraines Presents in Many Ways.  The classical migraine is a unilateral headache.

Some migraines present only with visual disturbances. That is called Migraine with Aura without a headache.

A visual aura presents as a distortion of what you see. Visual auras can also present as blurriness and double vision. Since the eyes can move in any direction, double vision can be vertical,  horizontal, or diagonal.

Some migraines can come with tinnitus or ringing in the ears. A mild migraine may also present as a spasm of the muscles around the eye without a headache.

Migraines Can Present As Visual Distortions Without Any Headaches.

Food and Hypertension

It is a standard of advice from physicians to reduce salt intake and stay away from fatty foods to lower the blood pressure. Even is that recommendation is followed, the blood pressure is still high on the next doctor visit.  What happens next is an increase in the dose of prescribed drugs, or another medication is added.

That is what can happen if other foods that can cause hypertension is not identified.

Foods that are not salty or fatty can also elevate blood pressure. When taken in continuously or in excess, these foods can cause a hypertensive crisis, and cardiovascular complications like a stroke or a heart attack can happen.

That may explain why some patients can have heart attacks or strokes in the absence of conventional risk factors like smoking and diabetes.

In this series, foods containing tyramine, histamine containing foods, and other trace amines will be presented.

The causes of the deficiency of enzymes that degrade the tyramine and other amines will also be discussed.

The literature on the internet about foods containing tyramine can be conflicting and confusing. That is why a search for the actual source of information should be done.

At the end of the series, recommendations will be presented so that a healthy migraine free and blood pressure controlled lifestyle will continue.

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Image Credit: By S. Jähnichen (talk) – File:Brandenburger_Tor_Blaue_Stunde.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0,


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