How the OODA Loop Can Manage Toxic Postprandial Glucose Spikes

Introduction: Managing postprandial blood sugar levels is crucial for individuals with diabetes and those looking to maintain optimal health. The concept of the OODA Loop, initially devised by military strategist John Boyd, can provide a practical framework for navigating these spikes in blood sugar. The OODA Loop stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act, and…

The One Hour Postprandial Blood Sugar Predicts Common Deadly Diseases

This video discusses the importance of keeping the post-meal or post-prandial blood sugar at less than 155 mg/dl or 8.6 mmol/L. Based on several studies, a blood sugar of more than 155md/dl after a meal has been associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, other cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, kidney dysfunction, and…

The Best Preload Foods To Lower Your Blood Sugar

High blood sugar one hour after a meal puts a person at risk for atherosclerosis, diabetes, renal failure, and more. These foods can lower the blood sugar of those with diabetes, pre-diabetics, and those with normal glucose. Find out what they are, the amount, and when to take them before eating. Watch it on YouTube…

How to Prevent Hyperglycemia Using the Vegetable Meat Carbohydrate Sequence

A simple rearrangement of macronutrients can significantly lower the blood sugar. This video offers a straightforward solution that doesn’t require any additional spending. The formula is simple: arrange your food sequence to start with vegetables, then proteins, and carbohydrates at the end. This video is in Tagalog, but the slides are in English and have…

A High Protein Breakfast Prevents Surging Sugar All Day

This video highlights the importance of eating more protein during breakfast. Proteins stimulate incretin and insulin release early in the day, providing for lower blood sugar all day. A small lunch also results in lower blood sugars after dinner. This video has an English translation. All can benefit from the information, including those with Type…

You Need To Know The Mindblowing Blood Sugar Lowering Effects Of Vinegar

There are many ways that vinegar can lower the postprandial blood sugar. This video has English subtitles. This video is part of a series related to postprandial or after-meal blood sugars. Don’t Get Sick! Stay current by subscribing. Feel free to share and like. YouTube videos: If you are interested in how to lower…

High blood sugar damages the arteries and changes the immune system.

Apologies for the long absence. This video shows how high blood sugar damages the arteries and causes systemic inflammation. Please click on the link to view.   © 2018 – 2024 Asclepiades Medicine, LLC. All Rights does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying…

More Tips to Lower Postprandial Glucose

Here are additional tips and strategies that can help in managing blood sugar levels, mainly by modifying how you cook and prepare your foods: Eat More Resistant Starch: Eat More Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are naturally high in resistant starch. Including these in your meals can help manage blood sugar levels. Use Unripe Bananas:…

Four Minutes is All I Need to Lower My One-Hour After-Meal Blood Sugar

This article discusses how I lowered my one-hour post-prandial or after-meal blood sugar using Tabata training. A blood sugar of more than 155 mg/dl (8.61 mmol/L) one hour after eating has been associated with higher all-cause mortality. It is also predictive of heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and kidney failure. If, for some reason,…

Lowering the Blood Sugar with the Green Tea Extract EGCG

This article discussed the blood sugar-lowering effect of EGCG, a supplement present in green tea. Previously, I wrote about the importance of controlling the rise of blood sugar one hour after eating. A High One-hour After-Meal Blood Sugar Test can Lead to Several Deadly Conditions. After-meal blood sugar spikes as a cause of vascular failure…

Reversal of Insulin Resistance by Trans-Resveratrol and Hesperetin

This article presents a study showing that combining two over-the-counter nutritional supplements, hesperidin and trans-resveratrol, could reverse insulin resistance.[1] The study authors are from Qatar University, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, and the  Warwickshire Institute for the Study of Diabetes in the UK. Reversal of Insulin Resistance in Overweight and Obese Subjects by Trans-Resveratrol and Hesperetin…

Expired versus New Glucose Test Strips

I compared the results of an expired One Touch Ultra (Expiration: 2021-08-31) against an Equate Test Strip from Walmart (Expiration: 2025-04-18) using a One Touch Ultra 2 Glucometer. Why would someone use an expired glucometer? Some people may find some glucose test strips at home that they have forgotten about. And to save money, they…

Lack of Sleep Increases Blood Sugar

Last month, I gave a glucometer to a family member, and she had some interesting observations. AS reports, What I noted with my blood testing in the morning (7am) is that when I sleep for 6.5 hrs or less, my reading is 111 mg/dL. That’s true even if I don’t eat carbs (aside the small…

Fasting to Lower Night Shift Heart Attack Risk

This article discusses a study on mice showing that time-restricted feeding restores the disrupted circadian rhythm of insulin secretion among shift workers.[1] Insulin secretion not only depends on the presence of food but also on the time of day. It is part of the circadian rhythm that all organisms follow. Circadian Rhythm Circadian rhythms are…

Mediterranean Foods Are Not Always Healthy

My wife and I decided to try a restaurant that serves a fusion of Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern foods. We ordered a Maza Trio with Baba ganoush (finely chopped roasted eggplant, olive oil, lemon juice), pickled vegetables, rice stuffed in grape leaves, and pita bread. The photo below is from Wikipedia. I was not…

How to Walk Correctly

In my years working in the emergency room, I have seen patients who got injured while doing exercises to get healthier. I’m no exception. Ever since I posted this article, Walk After Meals to Prevent Sky High Blood Sugars, I have been walking on the treadmill for about 20 to 40 minutes daily.  However, I developed…

A Tool Box of Strategies to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes When Eating High Glycemic Index Foods

This article aims to provide the reader with a set of tools (knowledge) that can be applied to achieve a blood sugar of less than 154.8 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L) after one hour of eating. That’s because a blood sugar of more than 155 (rounded off) is associated with many common and deadly diseases. I wrote…

Passing and Failing the One-Hour After-Meal Blood Sugar

The blood-sugar level one hour after a meal (one-hour post-prandial blood sugar or 1PPS  ) has been shown to predict future type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and many other common conditions that can drain time and treasure in old age. I wrote about them in Low One-Hour Post-Prandial Blood Sugar after One Cup of Rice. The…

Low One-Hour Post-Prandial Blood Sugar after One Cup of Rice

Yesterday I posted that A High One-hour After-Meal Blood Sugar Test Can Lead to Several Deadly Conditions. In it, I showed that a blood sugar of more than 154.8 mg/dL or 8.6 mmol/L is highly predictive of the development not only of future type 2 or adult-onset diabetes but also cardiovascular disease and others, including higher all-cause mortality. …

A High One hour After-Meal Blood Sugar Test Can Lead to Deadly Diseases

This article presents studies showing that the blood sugar level one hour after eating (post-prandial blood sugar) is highly predictive of many common diseases. At least here in the US, blood sugar levels at home can be easily checked with an inexpensive glucometer that can be bought without needing a prescription. I heard that a…