This article discusses the readily available medicines you can buy to protect you and your family if a nuclear war happens and you survive.
Category: Emergency Medicine
Walking Coronavirus Pneumonia Can Spread the Disease
A study was published in the January 24, 2020 edition of Lancet Journal, A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a concerning family cluster study. Summary of the Study About the Wuhan or 2019 New Coronavirus Person to person transmission has been ongoing since December 29, 2019. People…
Taal Volcano Eruption: When The Lava Hits the Fan
On January 12, 2020, the Taal volcano erupted resulted in an ash cloud that is carried over several kilometers downwind. Based on ongoing observations, there is still a danger of an imminent and more significant eruption This article presents the effects of substantial volcanic eruptions on health care. Geophysical Problems of Volcanic Eruptions Earthquakes and…
Anti Coronavirus Herbs and Drugs
Coronavirus (CoV) is responsible for 10-30% of common colds. The most popular CoV are the SARS virus in 2003 with 10% mortality and the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) with a death rate of 34.5% CoV is back on the headlines again. This time as the Wuhan coronavirus or 2019-nCoV by the Centers for…
What is the Goal of Diabetes Treatment?
Is it to lower blood sugar? It is just plain “common sense,” right? The pervading logic of Type 2 diabetes treatment is that since it is an issue of high blood sugar, then the lower the blood sugar, the better is the patient. But is that all? Is there a higher purpose as to why…
Inflammation: Dolor, Tumor, Rubor, and Calor
Dolor, rubor, tumor, and calor are Latin names for pain, redness, swelling, and warmth respectively. All of them are found in inflammation on the body surface. External Inflammation If a hot liquid spills on your skin. Inflammation follows with some four-letter expletives. A first-degree burn is when the skin surface gets red. A second-degree burn is…
Diabetes Destroy Arteries
Nitric Oxide is Essential for Normal Blood Flow Blood is ejected in spurts in every heartbeat. The vascular system requires flexible arteries that can expand to accommodate the high pressure and volume of blood. This dilatation is made possible by the rubber-like properties of the smooth muscle cells that are found in the middle layer…
I’m Only Pre-Diabetic, So I’m Still OK, Right?
Not really. Pre-diabetes occurs when the fasting blood sugar (FBS) is 100 – 125 milligrams/deciliter (mg/dl). FBS is a blood test done after at least eight hours without food. A FBS of ≥ 126 mg/dl diagnoses diabetes. Less than 100 mg/dl is considered normal. In 2015, 84.1 million, or 33.9% of the U.S. population, had pre-diabetes….
How Diabetes Destroys the Body
Part 1: Deranged Apoptosis of the Endothelium All good things come to pass. Like the cells in our body. Cells that are old and lose their functions die. Apoptosis is programmed cell death. It is built into the genes. In ancient Greek, apoptosis means “falling off.” A type of white blood cell called the macrophage…
Hybrid Engines are Cool! Do You Know that You Have One?
Our body can also burn fat for fuel.
What Starts Atherosclerosis?
The arteries that supply blood all over the body has an inside lining called the endothelium. The endothelium has anti-atherogenic properties. Anti-atherogenic is the ability to prevent atherosclerosis. If everybody has protection against atherosclerosis, why is it that atherosclerosis is so preponderant that the number one and two cause of deaths in the whole world are…