Patient immunized with ACAM2000 Smallpox Vaccine infected with Monkeypox

As of September 16, 2022, the latest number of global monkeypox cases is now 60,332 in 107 countries.   The CDC published a case report about a man who contracted monkeypox even though he was vaccinated with the ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine eight years ago. The ACAM2000 is approved to help protect against smallpox and has…

Monkeypox detected in semen, feces and saliva

There are now more than 14,000 cases of monkeypox in non-endemic areas globally. 77 New Confirmed #Monkeypox cases Germany ?? Total Cases 14306 (14266 confirmed) ?Visit for more#monkeypox #MonkeypoxVirus#monkeypocalypse #MPXV #MPX #Monkeypoxalypse #affenpocken — Monkeypox Meter (@Monkeypoxmeter) July 20, 2022 A new study from Eurosurveillance detected the monkeypox virus DNA in semen, feces,…

Emergency meeting of the W.H.O. on Monkeypox

In May, I wrote that the 2021 Monkeypox tabletop exercise resulted in 3.2 billion cases and 271 million dead; in it, I discussed how the World Health Organization would use monkeypox to pass the Pandemic Treaty.  Yesterday the WHO Emergency Committee convened to decide whether monkeypox is a global health emergency or a Public Health…

Monkeypox DNA detected in semen

This article shows two studies that add more to our understanding of the current monkeypox epidemic. Monkeypox is a DNA virus from the Pox family. One study from Italy isolated monkeypox DNA from semen in four men who have sex with men (MSM). All patients travelled in the first 2 weeks of May 2022: three…

Should you get vaccinated against monkeypox?

The latest number of monkeypox cases in nonendemic areas worldwide is 1,536, with 49 patients in the US. Latest monkeypox news VOA News reports that the World Health Organization has warned that there is a risk that monkeypox will be established in countries where it is not usually endemic. That means monkeypox will continue to…

Altered presentation of monkeypox explains the increase in case numbers

Update June 5, 2022: WHO update on Monkeypox: To date, the clinical presentation of confirmed cases has been variable. Many cases in this outbreak are not presenting with the classical clinical picture for monkeypox. In cases described thus far in this outbreak, common presenting symptoms include genital and peri-anal lesions, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and pain…

The Monkeypox Vaccines Adverse Events of Special Interest

This article has two objectives. One is to present the adverse effects of the two smallpox vaccines, JYNNEOS and ACAM2000, also used for monkeypox.  The second is to demonstrate that reporting adverse events after vaccination (like COVID-19 shots) is necessary so that the safety profile of that product can be more defined. Knowledge about adverse…

Smallpox vaccines for monkeypox

When I started writing about monkeypox on May 19, there were only 35 cases.  As of this writing,  there are now 228 confirmed and 90 suspected cases as tabulated by BNO News. 35 to 237 confirmed cases in five days. That is almost a 700% increase. At this rate, the monkeypox cases may be in…

Germany orders 40,000 smallpox vaccines

According to Reuters, Germany ordered 40,000 Imvanexâ„¢ smallpox vaccines from Bavarian Nordic to carry out ring vaccinations. Ring vaccination is given to close contacts of an isolated infected person. This prevents the spread of a contagious and deadly disease. The ring is the group of people in close contact with the infected patient. The vaccinated…

Did the Wuhan Virology lab mutate the monkeypox virus?

Many articles circulating say that the Wuhan Virology Institute (WVI) in China made a gain of function experiment on the monkeypox virus. That is not true. The experiment from the scientists at the Wuhan Virology Institute is the Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as a qPCR template using dual-selection based…