This article explores why people get shorter with age, examines the health effects of this phenomenon, and discusses effective strategies to maintain height and overall health.
Category: Staying Fit
The Truth About Antioxidants And Exercise: Help Or Hindrance?
This article discusses when to take antioxidants to maximize the effects of exercise.
How Moderate to Vigorous Exercise Makes Your Heart Younger
This article deals with how moderate and vigorous exercise can reduce cardiac age.
Heart-Healthy Workouts And More: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Cardiac Age
This article discusses cardiac age and lists the types of exercises that can lower cardiac age.
Exercise Vital Signs: A New Way To Spot Hidden Health Risks
This article focuses on a simple screening tool called Exercise Vital Signs (EVS). It empowers individuals to track their activity levels and lower their risk of chronic diseases.
Crush New Year’s Resolutions With These Realistic Health Tips!
This article focuses on creating achievable and sustainable health goals for 2025. From small lifestyle changes to practical fitness and nutrition tips, discover how to set realistic targets, track progress, and build a support system that ensures lasting success Introduction The start of a new year brings a fresh opportunity to focus on improving your…
Beat The Holiday Slump: Simple Tips To Keep Moving
This article discusses how to squeeze exercises and physical activities during the busy holiday season.
Big Heart Benefits From Small Efforts: Discover VILPA
This article discusses a study showing the benefits of VILPA in lowering heart disease risk.
Cancer Prevention Made Easy With VILPA: Transform Your Daily Routine
This article discusses the cancer-lowering effects of VILPA or vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity.
Five Best Breathing Techniques for Reducing Stress and Anxiety
This article outlines the best practices for effective breathing techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.
Office Hacks for Blood Sugar Balance: Quick Moves You’ll Love
This article discusses simple exercises that can be done in the office to lower postprandial blood sugar. Introduction A previous article, “The High One Hour After-Meal Blood Sugar Test Can Lead to Deadly Diseases,”results from blood sugar levels of more than 155mg/dl or 8.6 mmol/L. I listed them below: Chronic kidney disease Non-alcoholic fatty liver …
It’s Amazing What Happens If You Add Oil To Carbs
After sharing my article Tips on How to Retrograde Carbs and Prevent a Glucose Spike yesterday, JM, my former classmate from the Institute of Public Health of the University of the Philippines, said, I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned this already. In addition to cooking rice in batches, I sometimes cook it with extra virgin coconut…
Tips on How to Retrograde Carbs and Prevent a Glucose Spike
My recent articles and videos examined how eating preload foods that stimulate incretin and insulin secretion can lower postprandial blood sugar. In this article, I present how we can enjoy the carbs we are used to eating while preventing a glucose spike. Here are some tips and tricks to maximize the retrogradation process and incorporate…
Stunning Low Doses Of Lithium Really Improve Survival
This article discusses studies from five countries showing that even trace amounts of lithium decrease all-cause mortality. Decreased all-cause mortality does not mean that you will live forever, but it lowers the chances of dying from any cause. If in case someone develops a heart attack, stroke, or gets into an accident, there is a…
Four Minutes is All I Need to Lower My One-Hour After-Meal Blood Sugar
This article discusses how I lowered my one-hour post-prandial or after-meal blood sugar using Tabata training. A blood sugar of more than 155 mg/dl (8.61 mmol/L) one hour after eating has been associated with higher all-cause mortality. It is also predictive of heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and kidney failure. If, for some reason,…
Lifestyle Change Cured this Man’s Ulcerative Colitis (Video)
The amazing video below shows a 64-year-old man lifting, throwing, and catching heavy stone weights like tennis balls. That was how he cured his ulcerative colitis. Wang Bingrong was an excellent chef in China and worked from morning till night. Initially, his customers asked him to have some drinks with them, which slowly became an…
Shoulder Pain and its relief
My left shoulder was aching yesterday, probably from one of my deadlifts, pull-ups, kettlebell press, or push-ups. I tried to look for the cause to prevent it from worsening and improve my technique. I happened to stumble upon Dr. David Middaugh from El Paso Physical Therapy. In his video below, Dr. David said, “Shoulder impingement,…
How to Walk Correctly
In my years working in the emergency room, I have seen patients who got injured while doing exercises to get healthier. I’m no exception. Ever since I posted this article, Walk After Meals to Prevent Sky High Blood Sugars, I have been walking on the treadmill for about 20 to 40 minutes daily. However, I developed…
The Modified German Volume Training
This article is about a study showing that five sets of German Volume Weight Training are as effective as the typical ten sets. German Volume Training (GVT) is a weight-lifting method to increase muscle size without using the heaviest weight you can lift. Larger muscle fibers can consume more glucose while exercising. The downstream effects…
Aerobic, Resistance and Combined Exercise Lowers High Blood Pressure
This article presents a study that showed that different exercises could lower blood pressure similarly. The research was made to answer the question. What exercise is the best to lower blood pressure? Is it aerobic or weight lifting, or should they be combined? Forty-two participants, age 54 ± 11 years, with a resting blood pressure (SBP/DBP) of 137 ± 9/86 ± 6 mmHg…