Who stands to benefit (Cui bono) from intermittent fasting?
Well, it is not the food business. Not the foodservice industry (groceries and supply chain) that sold $1.46 trillion worth of food in 2014. Of this, $731 billion was supplied by foodservice facilities (restaurants). Not the advertising agencies that made $ 10 billion from pharmaceutical advertisements. Not the television networks, internet websites, radio stations who make a lot of money from advertising food, restaurants, and medications.
Not the health industry. Not the hospitals that made $1.1 trillion US in 2017. Not the doctors and clinical services who earned $694.3 billion in 2017. Not the pharmaceutical industry that made $333.4 billion. Not the dental services that take care of dental caries from eating sweets that earned $129.1 billion. Not the medical insurance companies who made $6 billion in 2017. Even if they have to cover the hospital bills, blood works, and imaging. They can always increase the premiums and pass the cost to you, sick or not sick.
Where did all that money come from? From us. From our taxes and insurance premiums that are skyrocketing.
Who can potentially benefit from intermittent fasting?
The U.S. government can potentially benefit especially with a projected budget deficit of 1.1trillion dollars by 2020. Healthcare gets the most significant slice of the federal budget. Health care spending is 28% ($1.225 trillion) of the total budget. Medicare spent $705.9 billion in 2017. Medicaid paid $581.9 billion in 2017. Worldwide, the cost of diabetes care is $655 billion, and that does not include the cost of heart disease and strokes.
Who gets to benefit the most?
YOU! You lose weight. You lose excess fat, make yourself insulin sensitive, remove high levels of insulin in your body, lower your blood pressure, lower your triglycerides, you reduce your risk for metabolic syndrome and all the other diseases associated with it like diabetes and heart attacks and a whole lot of other illnesses that can send you to the emergency room. You also decrease your risk of Dementia and Parkinson’s disease.
You save money. You buy less food, fewer medications, you decrease or even remove your medications for diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia, no need to prick your fingers to measure your blood sugar and insulin shots.
You will need less time spent on buying, preparing food, eating, and cleaning up. More time for yourself.
You will have more energy. You will feel lighter, remove that brain fog. You will feel lighter, more power to play and participate in sports and even enjoy the vacation more because now you can walk farther without your knees and ankles hurting and maybe also run.
Who else? Everybody else that depends on you financially and emotionally. The people that you care about. The people who are beside you all the time. The ones that give meaning to your life. The ones you want to live for. At the end of the day, the ones that will benefit the most will be the ones that you love the most. ♥

- I Have Seen the Promised Land of Health Care! It’s in another Galaxy!
- How to Do Intermittent Fasting
- The Kaizen Way of Fasting
- The Science of Fasting
- 10 Unbelievably Easy Ways to Screw Up Intermittent Fasting!
- Will Fasting Make My Muscles Shrink?
- Are You Skipping Breakfast?
- The 20/80 Rule for Health
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – Highlights
- https://www.cms.gov/research-statistics-data-and-systems/statistics-trends-and-reports/nationalhealthexpenddata/nationalhealthaccountshistorical.html
- United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service
- https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-markets-prices/food-service-industry/market-segments/
- U.S. Government Spending .com
- https://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_budget_detail_fy19bs22018n
- The Diabetes Council.com
- https://www.thediabetescouncil.com/cost-diabetes-vs-diseases-us-globally/