Degradation of Graphene in the Human Body

Observations of COVID-19 Vaccine Contamination

A study was published sometime in July that showed that graphene is present in a Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. The entire research was translated algorithmically and presented at the Spanish study’s Whole English translation showing 99% Graphene Oxide in the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine.

So far, no published studies have confirmed their findings, although several pathologists from Germany and Dr. Richard Fleming have verified that there are contaminants in the vaccines. Their results were presented in the following articles:  Unidentified Foreign Bodies in the Vaccines Form Clots and Horrific Findings in the Pfizer Biontech Vaccines.

Could it be that Professor Arne Burkhardt, Professor Walter Lang, and Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg, and Dr. Richard Fleming did not use spectroscopic techniques that could have identified graphene in the vaccines?

If graphene contaminated the vaccines? What happens once it is in the human body?

Graphene has been around for more than a decade. It has several properties that make it ideal for drug delivery, bioimaging, and biosensors. Therefore, if graphene will be used inside the body, it is essential to know if it will be safe.

Graphene is part of a group of materials called carbon-based nanoparticles or CBN. This article will look at the studies that show how different forms of degraded.

Graphene Oxide, Carbon Nanoparticles and Myeloperoxidase

A 2018 study from Sweden showed that the enzyme myeloperoxidase of the neutrophils could degrade small and large graphene oxide sheets and single-walled nanotubes or SWCNTs in 24 hours.

Below is a single walled nanotube.

Degradation of Graphene in the Human Body
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Neutrophils are a type of white blood cells. They are part of the innate or frontline immune response of the body to anything foreign.

The neutrophils phagocytose or “eat” the graphene and secrete the enzyme myeloperoxidase that dissolves the graphene.

Neutrophils also produce neutrophil extracellular traps or NETs. NETs are made of DNA from the neutrophils and function as a trap for pathogens. Within the NETs are enzymes like myeloperoxidase and antimicrobial proteins that kill germs.

The image below is an electron microscope of a neutrophil extracellular trap that captured a fungus (arrow) in the lungs.

Degradation of Graphene in the Human Body
Wikipedia Creative Commons

The researchers looked further to see if the degraded graphene oxides could cause DNA damage to a bronchial cell line. They found none.

The study was made by scientists specializing in nanomaterials and graphene from Sweden, the UK, and the USA. [1]

Kurapati et al. made a separate study on single-layer (SLG) and few-layer graphene (FLG). Their research confirmed the examination, as mentioned earlier that Human myeloperoxidase (hMPO) could also biodegrade both SLG and FLG.

The difference here is that the SLG needs 40 hours of exposure to be degraded compared to the 24 hours required for graphene oxide. [2]

A third study from India also showed that macrophages could also biodegrade graphene. Macrophages are monocytes that become activated in the presence of an antigen. The research showed that macrophages phagocytose the graphene, and then the pro-inflammatory cytokines degrade the graphene. [3]

I wrote this article because the immune system’s ability to biodegrade graphene, a carbon-based nanoparticle, is essential as a measure of its safety. Carbon nanoparticles like C60 fullerene may play a role in fighting COVID-19.

C60 is a nutritional supplement and can be bought without a prescription.

Those articles about C60 and COVID-19 will be coming soon.

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  1. Mukherjee et al. Graphene oxide is degraded by neutrophils, and the degradation products are non-genotoxic. Nanoscale. 2018 Jan 18;10(3):1180-1188. doi: 10.1039/c7nr03552g. PMID: 29271441.
  2. R. Kurapati, S. P. Mukherjee, C. Martín, G. Bepete, E. Vázquez, A. Pénicaud, B. Fadeel, A. Bianco, Angew. Degradation of Single-Layer and Few-Layer Graphene by Neutrophil Myeloperoxidase. Chem. Int. Ed. 201857, 11722.
  3. Girish CM, Sasidharan A, Gowd GS, Nair S, Koyakutty M. Confocal Raman imaging study showing macrophage-mediated biodegradation of graphene in vivo. Adv Healthc Mater. 2013 Nov;2(11):1489-500. doi: 10.1002/adhm.201200489. Epub 2013 Apr 2. PMID: 23554400.

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