The American Heritage Dictionary defines durable as
- Capable of withstanding wear and tear or decay.
- Made to withstand repeated use over a relatively long period, usually several years or more.
- Able to perform or compete over a long period, as by avoiding or overcoming injuries.
The Pfizer Durability Study
The Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine uses 30µg doses of mRNA 21-days apart.
In the study, fifty-six health volunteers who had two doses of the Pfizer Biontech BNT162b2 vaccine volunteered. The study followed the response of their innate and adaptive immune systems for six months.
In summary, the Pfizer Biontech COVID-19 vaccine has a significant decrease in effectiveness against the variants of the SARS-CoV-2.
Pfizer BNT162b2 Results
- Anti-spike binding decreased between days 42 and 210 by 7.3 fold. Two people had undetectable levels by 210.
- CD 4+ T-cell responses that produce Interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor TNF) to fight infection were significantly lower at seven months than the first month after the second shot.
- The follicular T helper cells that play a role in generating long-lasting antibody responses were significantly lower at seven months.
- CD8 T cells that secrete interleukin-2 and TNF, both necessary to fight viral infections, were undetectable at seven months.
- When tested against the Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Mu variants, there was a seven-fold decrease in effectivity at six months.
- The neutralizing antibody response to the Beta and Delta variants, in particular, was undetectable at seven months.
Long-lasting neutralizing antibodies are essential to developing after vaccination. That’s because they are the ones who prevent the SARS-CoV-2 from attaching to the ACE2 receptor. No attachment, no infection.
Once the neutralizing antibodies want, the non-neutralizing antibodies can take over and enhance rather than prevent infection.
Know more about it here. What is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, and why should you care.
The graph below presents the levels of neutralizing antibodies at days 42 and 210 against different variants.

According to the CDC, the Delta variant is causing 99% of all COVID-19 cases in the US.

The researchers were from Emory University, Stanford University, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Tokyo, and the National Institute of Allergy and Immunology of the National Institute of Health.
Based on their findings, the authors are recommending another booster shot after six months.
My question is, will the government mandate booster shots every six months? Will there be another round of lay-offs if vaccinated people will refuse their booster shots? What about the adverse reactions associated with the COVID-19 shots?
How about natural immunity against COVID-19?
Let us end with the definition of robust.
If you want more studies on vaccine effectiveness, here is another from Moderna. The Durability Study of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is Strange and Unusual
Knowledge about Covid-19 is rapidly evolving. Information may update as new studies are made. Stay current by subscribing. Feel free to share and like.
Don’t Get Sick!
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- Harvard: Immunity from mild COVID-19 infection much better than vaccination
- Natural Immunity Protected Tanzania and Zambia from COVID-19
- Can coronaviruses elicit long-lasting immunity?
- Who develops a better Immunity against SARS-CoV-2? The vaccinated or the previously infected?
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- The Updated List of Covid-19 Articles
- Ahmed et al. Durability of immune responses to the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. bioRxiv
- COVID Data Tracker