EMF Dangers Exposed: Simple Steps to Keep Kids Safe

Children are more prone to the effects of EMF because of their anatomy. Find out the effects of EMF and what you can do to prevent them.

Introduction: What is EMF?

Have you ever wondered about the invisible waves from your phone, tablet, or Wi-Fi? These are called electromagnetic fields (EMF). They are energy waves created by everyday gadgets. These gadgets include cell phones, microwaves, and even your favorite gaming devices.

You can’t see or feel them, but they’re all around us!

Why Should We Care About EMF?

Scientists are studying how EMF affects our health, especially for kids and teens. Why?

Kids’ growing bodies and brains are more sensitive to these invisible waves. For example, their skulls are thinner than adults’, so EMF from devices reach deeper into their brains. Plus, kids today use technology earlier and more often than any generation before—which means more EMF exposure over their lifetimes.

Children are exposed to EMF at home
EMF is plentiful at home

What’s “Safe”? Experts Weigh In

Groups like the BioInitiative Working Group and the Building Biology Institute advise on maintaining EMF levels. They recommend keeping them extra low for kids. (These groups consist of experts who design healthy homes.)

Here’s what that looks like:

  • Play and Sleep Areas: Aim for Wi-Fi and device signals weaker than 0.1 microwatts per square centimeter (µW/cm²). That’s about 100 times gentler than the energy from a phone call!
  • Bedrooms: The Building Biology Institute says EMF in sleeping areas should be less than 0.2 milligauss mG. The area should be as calm as a quiet forest—think no buzzing phones or Wi-Fi routers nearby.
  • Source: https://safelivingtechnologies.com/content/Education/EMF-Exposure-Guidelines-For-Sleeping-Areas.pdf

What This Article Will Do

Don’t worry—this isn’t about fear! It’s about being smart. We’ll explain why kids need extra protection from EMF and share simple, practical tips your family can use today. Think of it like sunscreen for screens: small steps to stay safe while still enjoying technology.

Ready to learn more? Let’s dive in!

Why Are Kids More Sensitive to EMF?

Imagine your body is like a house under construction. Kids are still building theirs—their brains, bones, and organs are growing daily. This makes them extra curious about the world… but also extra sensitive to things like EMF. Here’s why:

1. Growing Bodies = More Vulnerable

  • Thinner skulls: A kid’s skull is like a lighter bicycle helmet—it’s not as thick as an adult’s. EMF from devices (like tablets held close to their heads) reach deeper into their developing brains.
  • Faster cell division: Kids’ cells multiply quickly to help them grow. Think of it as workers rushing to build a house. Some scientists worry that EMF could disrupt this busy construction zone, though ongoing research exists.

2. Lifetime Exposure Adds Up

Today’s kids start using tech way earlier than their parents did. If a 5-year-old gets a tablet, they’ll have 10+ extra years of EMF exposure by the time they’re a teen. This is compared to someone who started at 15. That’s like getting a head start on a marathon… but with invisible energy waves!

3. Size Matters!

A phone in a kid’s pocket is comparable to holding a flashlight close to a small toy. The closer the light, the brighter it shines. For kids:

  • Devices are closer to their organs (e.g., phones in pockets near growing reproductive systems).
  • Their smaller size means EMF fills up more of their body “space” than adults.
Children are more vulnerable to EMF

The Big Picture
None of this means tech is “bad”—it’s just about being thoughtful! Since kids’ bodies are still under construction, sticking to the low EMF guidelines (like the ones from BioInitiative) is extra important.

EMF are more susceptible to EMF radiation

Simple Safety Tips for Families

Tech is awesome—but like anything, it’s best used wisely! Here are easy, practical ways to enjoy devices while keeping EMF exposure low for your kids (and you!).

1. Keep Your Distance

Why? The farther away the device, the weaker the EMF.

  • Phones/Tablets: Hold them at arm’s length—like reading a book! Use a speakerphone or wired headphones instead of pressing the phone to your ear for calls.
  • Pockets Are for Toys, Not Phones: Store devices in backpacks, purses, or tables. (Think: “If it’s not touching your body, the EMF can’t reach you as easily!”)

2. Limit Screen Time

Why? Less time = less EMF + better sleep and focus!

  • Take “Tech Breaks”: Step away for a snack, stretch, or quick game of catch every 30 minutes.
  • Unplug Before Bed: Avoid screens one hour before bedtime. The blue light and EMF can interfere with sleep. Try reading a book or telling silly stories instead!

3. Create Tech-Free Zones

Why? Your brain needs calm spaces to recharge.

  • Bedrooms Are for Sleep: Keep phones, tablets, and laptops out. Charge devices overnight in the kitchen or living room.
  • Dinner Time = Family Time: Make meals a no-phone zone. Bonus: You’ll actually hear each other’s jokes!

4. Turn It Off When You’re Done

Why? Devices emit EMF even when idle.

  • Airplane Mode Is Your Friend: Switch phones/tablets to airplane mode during sleep, homework, or playtime. (It’s like a “pause button” for EMF!)
  • Unplug the Wi-Fi at Night: No one needs TikTok at 2 a.m., anyway. Plug the router into a timer (like a holiday light timer!) to auto-shut off.

5. Choose Wires Over Wireless

Why? Wired connections use way less EMF.

  • Headphones: Pick old-school wired ones instead of Bluetooth. (Pro tip: They never need charging!)
  • Speaker Mode: For calls, pretend you’re a podcast host—talk hands-free!

6. Teach Kids the “Why”

Make it a family project! Explain:

  • “Just like sunscreen protects your skin, distance protects you from extra EMF!”
  • “Our Wi-Fi router is like a nightlight—it deserves a break too!”

Fun Challenge: Have kids invent a “Low-EMF Superhero” who saves the day by unplugging devices. Stickers for every tech-free hour!

Remember: You don’t need to toss your gadgets! Small changes add up. Think of it like brushing your teeth—tiny daily habits keep things healthy.

Turning off the WiFi results in better sleep
Turning off the WiFi results in better sleep

Maryland Guidelines for Children

The information below is from the Maryland Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council. Guidelines to Reduce Electromagnetic Field Radiation. It is detailed and valuable.

Recommendations to Reduce Cell Phone and Wireless Device Radiation Exposure

Around the Home

● Replace cordless phones with corded home phones.
● Unplug cordless phones when not in use. You can always be reached if you have at least one corded telephone in the house. This is true even if the cordless phone is off at night.
● Remove electronics from the bedroom, especially around your bed and the crib.
● Avoid sleeping with electric blankets and heating pads. If you use an electric blanket to preheat your bed, unplug it before sleeping. If you only turn it off, the electromagnetic field will remain.
● Do not stand close to a microwave oven when it is on. Keep your child from pressing their face up to it to watch the food cook.

Cell Phones

● Try to keep devices, especially cell phones, away from the head and body. Keeping them an arm’s distance away significantly reduces exposure.
● When talking on a cell phone, use the speakerphone to reduce exposure to your head.
● Avoid carrying your phone against the body, like in a pocket, sock, bra, or spandex pants. Cell phone manufacturers do not guarantee that the amount of radiation you absorb will be safe.
● Make only short or essential calls on cell phones to minimize your daily exposure.
● Use text messaging rather than voice calls when possible.

Laptops and Computers

  • Choose wired Internet (ethernet cable modems) at home instead of wireless systems, if possible.
  • Place WiFi routers as far away from children as possible.
  • Consider using a switch to shut down your wireless router when it is not in use.
  • Instead of laps, place electronic devices, tablets, and laptops on desks and tables. This can increase the distance between the device and children’s bodies.

Turn Wireless Antennas Off

● Airplane mode is a setting that turns transmitting antennas off in wireless devices.
● If you plan to watch a movie on your device, download it first. Then, switch to airplane mode while you watch. This will help avoid unnecessary radiation exposure.
● Teach children to turn off WiFi when it is not in use. This is especially important if they are sleeping. (Also see bedroom suggestions below.)
● Newer phone models turn most of the wireless antennas off with Airplane mode, but Bluetooth or WiFi may stay on, so check that all antennas are set to off like 4G, 5G, Bluetooth, WiFi hotspot location.

Learn When Your Cell Phone Goes to Highest Exposure

Reduce or avoid cell phones and wireless technologies when the devices are going to maximum power. This means the device will result in higher radiation exposures.

● You are in an area of low signal: Keep an eye on your signal strength (i.e. how many bars you have). The weaker your cell signal, the harder your phone has to work and the more radiation it emits. It is better to wait until you have a stronger signal before using your device.
● You are traveling in a car or vehicle: Avoid making calls in cars, elevators, trains, and buses. The cell phone works harder to get a signal through metal, so the power level increases. When vehicles are traveling, the device also increases power to switch connection to each cell tower the vehicle passes.
● You are streaming video and large files: The more streaming data, the higher the radiation exposure.

Helpful Tips

  • If your tablet or laptop does not have an ethernet port, you can get a special adapter. This adapter allows you to use ethernet with Thunderbolt or USB ports.
  • Many cell phones can also be plugged into an ethernet port with an adapter made for cell phones.
  • Use wired peripherals and accessories (e.g., a wired mouse, wired speakers, and wired printers) rather than wireless.
  • Wireless virtual assistants emit RF, so choose wired tech whenever possible.
  • Wireless gaming consoles emit RF even when not in use. Keep these out of the bedroom. Choose wired handsets.

In the Bedroom

  • Cell phones should be powered off at night
  • If your child or teen needs an alarm clock, get a battery-powered alarm clock for the bedroom.
  • If they must use a cell phone for an alarm clock, instruct them to turn the phone to airplane mode every night. Make sure wireless antennas are off. The alarm will still work.
  • Do not charge a cell phone or wireless devices near your child’s bed. Charging creates higher electromagnetic fields even if you are not using the device.
  • Children should not sleep with their heads near a wall with an electric panel, electric meter, or appliance on the other side.

Read the Fine Print

Read the “fine print” from the manufacturer’s instruction manual which may tell users to keep a distance between the phone and your head and body.

These fine print warnings range from a few millimeters to almost an inch. The fine print warnings on other wireless devices like WiFi routers, home cordless phone base stations, and baby monitors generally state devices should be at 20 cm, or about 8 inches.

If people are closer than the manufacturer-stated separation distance, then they can be exposed to RF levels that violate the US government’s FCC limits for this type of radiation.

Beware Radiation Protection Devices

Do not rely on a “radiation shield” or other products claiming to block RF energy, electromagnetic fields, or radiation from cell phones.

According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, products that interfere with the phone’s signal may force it to work harder. They can emit more RF energy to stay connected. This can increase exposure.

There are no standard protocols for testing and comparing devices to ensure they work. To reduce RF radiation, it is best to use wired, corded electronics rather than rely on an untested product.

Conclusion: Smart Habits for Healthy Kids

Let’s face it—technology isn’t going anywhere, and that’s a good thing! It helps us learn, play, and stay connected. But just like we teach kids to look both ways before crossing the street or brush their teeth daily, it’s smart to build healthy tech habits to protect their growing bodies from extra EMF.

The Big Takeaways

  1. Kids need extra protection: Their thinner skulls, developing brains, and smaller size mean EMF might affect them more than adults.
  2. Small changes add up: You don’t need to ditch devices! Simple tweaks—like using speakerphone, unplugging Wi-Fi at night, or keeping phones off the bed—can lower EMF exposure.
  3. Awareness beats fear: Tech is part of life, but balancing screen time with playtime, sleep, and family moments keeps everyone happier and healthier.

You’ve Got This!

Start with one habit today:

  • Try a “Tech Challenge”: “Who can charge their phone in the kitchen all week?”
  • Make it fun: Use a sticker chart for tech-free dinners or airplane mode nights.
  • Talk about it: Ask kids, “How do you think we can use tech smarter?” They might surprise you with creative ideas!

Remember, this isn’t about perfection. Miss a day? No sweat! Just like eating veggies or exercising, it’s about progress, not magic fixes.

Final Thought

Think of EMF safety like a tech diet—you want a healthy mix of fun and safety. Keep devices at a distance. Set limits. Stay curious. By doing this, your family can enjoy the best of technology without the worry.

Don’t Get Sick!

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  1. Kheifets L, Repacholi M, Saunders R, van Deventer E. The sensitivity of children to electromagnetic fields. Pediatrics. 2005 Aug;116(2):e303-13. doi: 10.1542/peds.2004-2541. PMID: 16061584.
  2. Moon JH. Health effects of electromagnetic fields on children. Clin Exp Pediatr. 2020 Nov;63(11):422-428. doi: 10.3345/cep.2019.01494. Epub 2020 May 26. PMID: 32683815; PMCID: PMC7642138.
  3. Maryland Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council. Guidelines to Reduce Electromagnetic Field Radiation. December 2022
  4. American Academy of Pediatrics. Cell Phone Radiation & Children’s Health: What Parents Need to Know (https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safetyprevention/all-around/Pages/Cell-Phone-Radiation-Childrens-Health.aspx)
  5. Maryland Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council WiFi Radiation in Schools in Maryland Final Report (2016) https://phpa.health.maryland.gov/OEHFP/EH/Shared%20Documents/CEHPAC/MD_CEHPAC_SchoolWifi_022017_final.pdf
  6. California Department of Health Recommendations on Cell Phones
  7. World Health Organization International Agency for the Research on Cancer Monograph on Radiofrequency Radiation

Image source: EMF sources at home. Health effects of electromagnetic fields on children. Moon 2022

© 2018 – 2025 Asclepiades Medicine, LLC. All Rights Reserved
DrJesseSantiano.com does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment

2 Replies to “EMF Dangers Exposed: Simple Steps to Keep Kids Safe”

  1. Great article, but one thing I was looking for was omitted – What about those bluetooth hearing aids I have to wear these days? How much harm am I subjecting myself to by wearing them? If I reduce the exposure by turning bluetooth off after setting them for the hearing environment I’m in, will that significantly lower my risk?
    And I’d also like to hear your thoughts on the AiresTech approach to mitigating the effect of the waves rather than trying to block them.
    I’m already a subscriber, btw.

    1. Hi John,

      Thank you for your thoughtful question about Bluetooth earbuds and electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. It’s a topic that continues to raise concerns, especially with the increasing use of wireless technology. Below, I’ll break down key points regarding EMF emissions, potential health effects, and practical precautionary measures.

      Bluetooth Earbuds and EMF Exposure
      Bluetooth earbuds emit radiofrequency radiation (RFR), a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Since these devices sit directly in the ear canal, they are positioned very close to the brain, which raises questions about prolonged exposure and potential health effects.

      The BioInitiative Report recommends a precautionary exposure limit of 0.1 microwatts per square centimeter (µW/cm²) for outdoor cumulative RFR exposure, with even lower limits advised for indoor environments to minimize health risks (Hardell & Sage, 2008). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18242044/

      To get a real-world measurement, I tested a Bluetooth earbud while it was actively receiving data from a cellphone about 7 feet away. Using a GQ EMF-390 reader, I recorded readings of 13-14 microwatts per square centimeter (µW/cm²)—far exceeding the BioInitiative Report’s precautionary limit.

      Short-Term vs. Long-Term Health Risks
      While short-term exposure may not cause immediate harm, long-term effects remain uncertain. A study on short-term Bluetooth headset EMF exposure found no immediate hearing damage (Balachandran et al., 2012). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22310164/ .However, repeated exposure over many years could have cumulative effects that are not yet fully understood.

      Potential Health Risks
      Though Bluetooth devices emit non-ionizing radiation, some research has suggested possible associations with health risks. For example, a study on prolonged daily use of Bluetooth headsets found a higher risk of developing thyroid nodules, with longer usage durations correlating with increased risk. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11192738/

      What Happens When Bluetooth is Turned Off?
      If you turn off Bluetooth on both your phone and earbuds, the wireless connection is completely disabled, meaning the device will no longer emit RFR. This is a simple and effective way to reduce exposure to EMFs from these specific devices.

      AiresTech’s Approach to EMF Mitigation
      AiresTech claims to offer technology that modifies EMFs to make them less biologically disruptive. Their products use semiconductor wafers with specific patterns designed to modulate electromagnetic fields in a way that may reduce potential adverse effects. One peer-reviewed study suggests this technology can alter EMF distribution, potentially reducing risks. https://www.biospace.com/american-aires-inc-announces-publication-of-peer-reviewed-research-paper-supporting-lifetune-technology

      That said, it’s important to note that independent research on EMF harmonizing technology remains limited. While early studies show promise, more large-scale, independent studies are needed to validate their effectiveness.

      Children and EMF Exposure: A Call for More Research
      A systematic review titled Systematic review of the physiological and health-related effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure from wireless communication devices on children and adolescents found no definitive conclusion on whether RF EMF exposure from mobile devices poses a unique risk to children and adolescents. However, the authors highlight the rapid increase in RF exposure among younger populations and strongly recommend high-quality, systematic research on children, as they are generally considered a sensitive group.

      Given these uncertainties, I believe precaution is warranted—especially for children, adolescents, and individuals with high cumulative exposure.

      Precautionary Measures
      To minimize potential risks, consider these simple adjustments:

      Use wired headphones instead of Bluetooth earbuds when possible.
      Limit prolonged use of wireless earbuds, especially for long phone calls.
      Use Bluetooth speakers instead of in-ear devices to reduce direct exposure to the head.

      Final Thoughts
      While current research presents mixed findings, taking simple precautions is a reasonable approach until more conclusive data is available. Personally, I choose to use Bluetooth speakers instead of earbuds whenever possible.

      I appreciate your question, and I hope this breakdown helps! Let me know if you’d like more details.

      Best regards,

      Jesse Santiano

Let me know what you think!