High Tech Nursing Home care in Japan

This article presents a video from NHK Japan about using technology to improve the nursing home for the elderly. The video has four parts.

The first is using sensors in bed to monitor the sleep pattern of the residents. Second, are video cameras that detect movement and falls. The third is about odor sensors that detect excrement in diapers.

Sleep sensors allow the caregiving team to adapt the daytime activities to result in more sleep time. Adequate sleep prevents heart disease, hypertension, and cancer.

Fall sensors also detect movement to alert the nursing staff to go to the patient’s room to prevent a fall. Falls can result in head injuries and fractured hips.

Odor sensors not attached to the patient allow immediate diaper change to prevent skin breakdown that often leads to bed sores.

All three resulted in better care for the elderly.

The last part is tips on how older people living alone can make their meals more vitamin rich. It includes a technique for maximizing the use of lemons or limes and making interesting and inexpensive sauces.

I learned a lot from watching this. The video won’t play here, so click on this link to see it.

I looked at Amazon to see if any of the technology was available. There is Sleep Tracking Pad Under The Mattress With Sleep Cycle Analysis.

If you want to know the oxygen level while asleep, you may like EMAY Sleep Oxygen Monitor with 40 Hours Built-in Memory | Sleep Pulse Oximeter For Overnight Oxygen Tracking | Records O2 & HR Continuously With Report & Raw Data.

Low oxygen levels while sleeping indicates sleep apnea and increase the risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Don’t Get Sick!


  1. Sleeping on Your Side can Prevent Dementia
  2. Using the Circadian Rhythm for More Effective Blood Pressure Control
  3. Wake-Up to the Other Benefits Melatonin.
  4. The Protective Effects of Sleep and Melatonin on the Stomach
  5. The Circadian Rhythm: Timing is Everything
  6. 30 Ways For a Good Sleep Without Drugs
  7. How Does Sleeping Protect the Brain?
  8. The Best Food Sources of Melatonin
  9. Wake-Up to the Health Benefits Melatonin.
  10. A Study on the Safety of Melatonin Tablets
  11. Sleep Protects the Brain

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