All body functions need fuel. Even when we are sleeping.
Glucose is commonly known as the energy source. That is why we are always taught to eat all the time for energy. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” “Carbohydrate loading.” “Bread is the staff of life.” When we get hungry, there is almost a near panic reaction that drives us to eat right away, or else you will get “hangry.”
The problem with glucose is we can only store so much. That is why marathon runners “hit the wall.” and sports drinks have sugar.
A significant problem is that break down products of glucose metabolism release reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are negatively charged particles that lead to severe diseases like neoplastic, cardiovascular, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases.
But do you know that fatty acids can also fuel the body? Like the visceral fat in the belly. The same visceral fat that leads to obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart attacks, and strokes. Yup. Same one.
Unlike glucose, fatty acids, and ketones do not produce reactive oxygen species. They burn cleaner. Ketones provide fuel for the brain and is an excellent fuel for the heart muscle.
Ketones have also have been used to treat seizures.
How do we switch from glucose to cleaner-burning ketones?
By fasting. Fasting for 12 to 24 hours, depending on the person, will switch the metabolism from glucose to fat burning. Maintaining a ketotic state requires a diet composed mainly of healthy fats.

Imagine changing a disease-causing body part (visceral fat) into a clean, nondisease producing energy source. What a novel idea! That’s the ultimate in recycling! And it is all free. Nothing to buy. All built-in.
Doesn’t that make you want to start fasting?
This article is just an introduction to ketones, and more will come in the future. Until then.
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The condition of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) is different and only exist in Type 1 diabetics who are acutely ill. That is different from dietary ketosis.
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