Know the Signs of Vaccine Induced Blood Clotting

The UK National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published guidelines for diagnosing and treating vaccine-related bleeding and blood clotting disorders.

You can find the guideline at COVID-19 rapid guideline: The vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT).

The most useful information for the general public about this guideline is recognizing the early signs and symptoms of the blood clotting problem.

Know The Signs Of Vaccine Induced Blood Clotting
Source: Nice

The symptoms above may are signs of cavernous sinus thrombosis in the brain, dangerously low platelet counts, blood clots in the lungs, legs, and abdomen. All of them are dangerous and life-threatening.

Know The Signs Of Vaccine Induced Blood Clotting

They need immediate evaluation by a physician, specialized imaging, and possible treatment in the hospital.

Anyone who had the COVID-19 vaccine and the booster shots should be aware of these symptoms and call their doctors immediately if it occurs.

The full guideline, including treatment and its rationale, is available here.

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  1. Molecular mimicry between the spike protein and humans can shut down platelet production
  2. Platelet Changes Causes Blood Clots in COVID-19
  3. The Spike Protein of the SARS-CoV-2 Can Cause Vascular Damage
  4. The study shows a 10 fold risk of developing blood clots after the COVID vaccine.
  5. You got the COVID shot and found that others developed blood clots; now what?
  6. Blood Clot formation after COVID Vaccination
  7. Deadly Autoimmune Antibodies

Reference: COVID-19 rapid guideline: vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT)

Image credit: By James Heilman, MD – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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