The brain produces toxins and abnormal proteins like beta-amyloid and tau protein during its activity. If these proteins are not cleared, they can create plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain that lead to neurodegenerative diseases like dementia.
An NIH study showed one night of sleep deprivation increases the β amyloid burden in the right hippocampus and thalamus. These increases lead to were associated with mood worsening following sleep deprivation.
Fortunately, there is a waste removal system in the brain called the glymphatic system. The glymphatic is made of canals that drain the waste outside the brain.
However, the glymphatic system only works when we sleep. That’s because the glymphatic channels are wider and can accommodate bigger molecules like proteins.
A study used Magnetic resonance imaging to quantify the glymphatic flow in anesthetized rodents’ brains in supine, prone, or lateral positions. The study found that glymphatic transport was most efficient in the lateral position than supine or prone positions.

Sleeping on the side causes a pressure differential that makes the glymphatic channels wider and to drains the waste materials. These abnormal proteins eventually end up in the liver to be degraded.
Widening of the glymphatic channels also allows for better oxygenation of the brain during the sleep state.
A study found that people with Alzheimer’s sleep more in the supine position for more than 2 hours than those with normal cognition. Sleeping problems are common in n 25–35% of Alzheimer’s patients. They have a shorter total sleep time, increased awakening, and worse sleep efficiency.
There are no drugs available right now that can clear the neurofibrillary tangles. Luckily we have a system that we can use that is free and available to all.
Sleeping on your side refreshes the brain. If you have sleep apnea, use your CPAP machines to get the most out of your sleep.
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