This article explores a study based on VAERS data that reveals the five most commonly reported complications of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and the people who are most affected and require monitoring.
Tag: Atrial fibrillation
Cardiac Arrhythmias after COVID injections Part 2
This article is a continuation of the study that compared the incidence of arrhythmias in persons who received the COVID shots and those who received other vaccines. The first part of this article is COVID shots cause more arrythmias than other vaccines. In it, I discussed the study’s primary endpoint, which showed that the COVID…
Diseases Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome
This article lists the diseases associated with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Anyone with three or more of the following five conditions—hypertension, high blood sugar, high blood triglycerides, low HDL, and obesity—qualifies for a diagnosis of MetS. Any single condition in the five components of MetS produces many other reactions that interact with the effects of the…
The Sedentary Life
The article, Physical Activity Correlates with Life Span, discussed the longer life expectancy associated with physical activity. The article How Does Exercise Prolong Life? Explained the different biological processes that are activated that lead to a longer life. In contrast, a sedentary lifestyle is chock full of diseases. Clinical Consequences of Inactivity: Metabolic Diseases Obesity Risk…
Atrial Fibrillation and Metabolic Syndrome
This article gives a brief overview of atrial fibrillation and how reversible risk factors can prevent them. Electrical Conduction in the Heart For the heart to work correctly, there should be a well-coordinated movement between the heart’s chambers. There should be a point source of an electrical signal coming from the right atrium and then…
Abnormal Blood Clots and Metabolic Syndrome
This series is about the multiple medical conditions that are related to metabolic syndrome (MetS). For the definition of MetS and the diseases commonly associated with it, refer to Part 1. Part 2 presents the pulmonary, genitourinary, and reproductive organ manifestations of MetS. Part 3 shows the link of MetS to gout, obstructive sleep apnea,…