Encephalitis may explain the high COVID-19 deaths in China

This article presents a study that may explain China’s high number of COVID-19 deaths. In the end, you will find a drug that can prevent that. France News 24 reported a morgue filled with the dead. The Tweet below says, According to experts, China totals 9,000 #Covid_19 deaths per day. ⚡️ FLASH – #China :…

Bromhexine for COVID-19

Bromhexine is an over-the-counter drug that is recommended to dissolve mucus. It has several brand names worldwide that can be found at this link. c19bromhexine.com gathers medical studies about the use of bromhexine for COVID-19 and presents them together in a meta-analysis. The table below is from c19bromhexine.com and presents five studies using bromhexine for…