Covid–19 Headlines Mar 24, 2020

  The pandemic gets worse each day. Protect yourself and your loved ones. This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright.  Click on the titles to go to the full report. Click on…

Covid-19 Headlines Feb 28, 2020

7:26 pm EST. I just published tonight a short read: The Secondary Attack Rate of Covid-19 The Covid-19 epidemic has continued to spread. The death rate is now at 3.4% worldwide. However, with the continued spread by asymptomatic patients, we can be sure that cases will continue to increase. Covid-19 headlines show the new virus…

Covid-19 Headlines Feb 27, 2020

The detection of a new Covid-19 case in Northern California with no travel links from known epidemic areas and no connection with detected cases typify the spread of Covid-19 by asymptomatic carriers. Germany and Japan, two of the most modern countries are resigned to the fact that the spread is beyond their control. Covid-19 Headlines…

Covid-19 Headlines Feb 25, 2020

The fear about the rapid spread of the Covid-19, formerly known as the 2019-nCoV for new coronavirus, from Asia to Europe and the Middle East rocked the stock market yesterday. Leading to the drop of the Dow Jones Industrial Average by 1,000 points. There are many concerns about the ability to contain the spread of…

Are Asians More Prone to Get the Covid-19?

The vast majority of the cases and deaths (76,776 and 2,247)  of the Covid-19 pandemic is in China.  Covid-19, previously known as the 2019-novel coronavirus, can lead to severe pneumonia, especially among the elderly with many other medical problems. The Covid-19 virus is known to stick to the cells of the lungs. The way they…