16 Ways to Avoid COVID-19

This article was first published on Nov 24, 2021. With the new variants resistant to antibodies from previous infections and vaccinations, it’s not bad to read this again. I wish all of you a Healthy New Year! This piece discusses how you can prevent getting sick during the holidays. The Amazon affiliate products are in…

City-wide use of Ivermectin lowered COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Itajaí, Brazil

This article highlights the results of the preprint research showing the effectiveness of Ivermectin against COVID-19.[1] Itajaí, a city in the Southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, initiated a population-wide government program for COVID-19 prophylaxis from July 2020 to December 2020. Population studied A total of 133,051 of these people (60.3% of the population) received…