Caloric restriction mimics the positive effects of beta-blockers on the heart

This article features a study that showed that caloric restriction has the same benefits that beta-blockers provide to failing hearts. Beta-blockers like metoprolol and atenolol are recommended for people with congestive heart failure (CHF). Failing hearts cannot supply enough blood. That is why people with CHF constantly feel weak and short of breath. In heart…

6 Ways to Prevent Heart Failure Worsening

More patients with heart failure present to the emergency room during or after the holidays. This article aims to educate about the symptoms of heart failure and what to do to prevent it. Common Causes of Heart Failure Worsening Excessive salt intake Too much water intake Missed doses of medications or poor compliance Lung infections…

Who Should NOT do HIIT?

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an efficient way to exercise and has many health benefits. HIIT requires the heart rate to go to 80-95% of the peak heart rate. In certain groups of people, that may bring more harm than good. The following should NOT do HIIT: Those who are having repeated chest pains at…

Understanding Heart Failure Treatment

Purpose of this Article To understand what happens in heart failure To know the essential medicines for heart failure To show the effects of exercise on the heart Heart Failure (HF) is a condition when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the demands of the whole body. HF affects 6.3 to 13.3% of…

Can You Be in Heart Failure Now?

Heart failure is one of the risk factors or comorbidities associated with death from COVID-19. Heart failure does not happen overnight but can develop over the years. Many people will not know this but many people are unaware that they have Stage A heart failure. Medications for heart failure but attention to the underlying cause…