Pistachios improve insulin resistance and inflammatory markers

This article presents a study showing that eating pistachios improves glucose and inflammatory markers among prediabetics. Many do not know that they have prediabetes. Prediabetes is when the fasting blood sugar is 100 to 125 mg/dl or if the after-meal blood sugar is more than 140 mg/dl. Like diabetes, prediabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular…

Veggies Meat Carbohydrate Sequence Prevents After Meal Sugar Spike

This article presents a study that shows how to prevent the rapid rise of blood sugar after a meal or Post-Prandial Glycemia (PPG) PPG and atherosclerosis High blood sugar after meals is a risk factor for developing diabetes and atherosclerosis. It injures the inner lining of the arteries and starts or continues atherosclerosis.[1] PPG is…

Triglyceride-Glucose Index tests for insulin resistance and much more

Insulin resistance is not a good thing.  Insulin resistance is when the liver and skeletal muscles do not respond to insulin, forcing the pancreas to produce more insulin to lower blood sugar.  The problem with high insulin or hyperinsulinemia is that other organs like the fat tissue, liver, muscle, brain, bone, kidneys, and vasculature also…

Skin Tags and Metabolic Syndrome

This article marks the start of a series of articles about skin conditions related to metabolic syndrome (MetS). Many people don’t see a physician. Some of them may be walking around with undiagnosed diabetes.  Usually, the first time they get diagnosed is when they are in an emergency room with a critical condition like a…


Hyperinsulinemia means high insulin levels. Persistent high insulin leads to conditions like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. The good news is there is something you can do about it. What is Insulin? Insulin is the primary hormone for fuel storage in the body. After eating,  macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are broken down into easily…

Intermittent Fasting vs. Sulfonylureas: Effect on High insulin

High insulin levels (hyperinsulinemia) in adult-onset or Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is unhealthy. The Following are the Effects of High Insulin Diabetes Hypertension Stiffening of the heart leading to heart failure. Fatty liver Obesity Insulin resistance. Metabolic syndrome High triglyceride levels Problems with the inner lining of the blood vessels. 1-10 work with one another…


What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin resistance is the linchpin of many diseases of modern life like metabolic syndrome, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes.  Knowing about how insulin resistance develops provides a better understanding of the familiar and deadly diseases that may be affecting you or someone you know. Normal Glucose Metabolism All the cells in the body need a…

Adult Acne as a Sign of Early Diabetes

This article is to raise awareness about why acne may be a sign of early diabetes. The Teenage Years During the teenage years, the body needs to produce more cells to grow fast. Insulin is necessary to help build-up the body.  Insulin stores and uses the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to make more cells. Insulin…

The Good and Faithful Servant

Imagine being an owner of a large plantation, and you have a servant who takes care of the farmstead. That servant obeys everything that you order. It plants, waters, and harvest whenever you tell it. Whatever you command, it does. If there is an order from you that he cannot perform, he learns and adjusts…