Diseases Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome

This article lists the diseases associated with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Anyone with three or more of the following five conditions—hypertension, high blood sugar, high blood triglycerides, low HDL, and obesity—qualifies for a diagnosis of MetS. Any single condition in the five components of MetS produces many other reactions that interact with the effects of the…

The Sedentary Life

The article, Physical Activity Correlates with Life Span, discussed the longer life expectancy associated with physical activity.  The article How Does Exercise Prolong Life? Explained the different biological processes that are activated that lead to a longer life. In contrast, a sedentary lifestyle is chock full of diseases. Clinical Consequences of Inactivity: Metabolic Diseases Obesity Risk…

Metabolic Syndrome and the Pancreas

What is the Pancreas?  The pancreas is a vital organ located behind the stomach. It makes digestive enzymes and the hormones insulin and glucagon. It is connected to the gallbladder system and intestines by small tubes that conduct the bile and digestive enzymes to go to the duodenum to digest fat, carbohydrates, and proteins. Insulin…

The Deadliest Diseases Associated with Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) leads to chronic inflammation throughout the body.  The inflammation manifests as slow, progressive development of aches and pain, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. Many people will blame aging and heredity for those symptoms and are unaware that it can be reversed.  The article, The Metabolic Syndrome, gives a short description…