Study shows the aerosol transfer of vaccine-induced COVID antibodies to the unvaxxed

Update: August 14, 2023. ImmunoHorizons have published the featured research A preprint study shows that antibodies elicited by COVID vaccination may be transferred by aerosol to another person. The authors are from the University of Colorado School of Medicine – Anschutz Medical Campus.[1] The study compared anti-COVID-19 antibodies among vaccinated and unvaccinated households with adults…

Pfizer and Moderna shots increase all cause mortality: Denmark study

Vaccines modify the immune system. Those changes may protect or increase the risk of acquiring unrelated infections. Also, the body’s response to immune diseases is altered. A good example is the effect of the anti-tuberculosis vaccine, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine. Neonates who received BCG have a lower mortality rate. Is this the same for the COVID-19…