6 Ways to Prevent Heart Failure Worsening

More patients with heart failure present to the emergency room during or after the holidays. This article aims to educate about the symptoms of heart failure and what to do to prevent it. Common Causes of Heart Failure Worsening Excessive salt intake Too much water intake Missed doses of medications or poor compliance Lung infections…

Preventing Suicide

It is a common belief that suicide rates are highest during the holiday season, but that is actually a myth, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The highest suicide rates happen during the spring and summer seasons. But why wait until someone is on the verge of harming themselves before something is done? We…

Why Do Bellies Bloat?

Have you ever wondered why your abdomen bloats after eating? It was a puzzle for me for several years and I could not find a reason for “benign belly-bloating”. There are medical conditions that can make an abdomen large like bowel obstruction and ascites and they have to be ruled out. While at work in…
