The Modified German Volume Training

This article is about a study showing that five sets of German Volume Weight Training are as effective as the typical ten sets. German Volume Training (GVT) is a weight-lifting method to increase muscle size without using the heaviest weight you can lift. Larger muscle fibers can consume more glucose while exercising. The downstream effects…

Aerobic, Resistance and Combined Exercise Lowers High Blood Pressure

This article presents a study that showed that different exercises could lower blood pressure similarly. The research was made to answer the question. What exercise is the best to lower blood pressure? Is it aerobic or weight lifting, or should they be combined? Forty-two participants, age 54 ± 11 years, with a resting blood pressure (SBP/DBP) of 137 ± 9/86 ± 6 mmHg…

Resistance exercises lower appetite in the obese with Type 2 diabetes

Resistance exercises increase skeletal muscle fiber size and number. That is good for everyone, especially those with obesity or type 2 diabetes. That’s because muscle fibers use more glucose, lowers blood sugar, and control diabetes. Coupled with intermittent fasting, resistance exercises can burn many calories and body fat and produces weight loss. Resistance exercises are…

Insulin resistance, muscle weakness and silent strokes

A silent stroke has mild symptoms that it is often ignored. They are usually seen on a head CT scan as incidental findings. Silent strokes are warning signs of fatal and non-fatal strokes. With time, the brain tissue damage accumulates with silent strokes and manifests as vascular dementia. Silent stroke prevention is possible if the…