Skin Tags and Metabolic Syndrome

This article marks the start of a series of articles about skin conditions related to metabolic syndrome (MetS). Many people don’t see a physician. Some of them may be walking around with undiagnosed diabetes.  Usually, the first time they get diagnosed is when they are in an emergency room with a critical condition like a…

Skin Signs of Insulin Resistance

The underlying problem in Type 2 or adult-onset diabetes is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is not routinely tested but can manifest in the skin. Read on to see if someone you know may be at risk for diabetes. Many are unaware that they have the beginnings of  Type 2 diabetes. Years before a person is…

What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin resistance is the linchpin of many diseases of modern life like metabolic syndrome, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes.  Knowing about how insulin resistance develops provides a better understanding of the familiar and deadly diseases that may be affecting you or someone you know. Normal Glucose Metabolism All the cells in the body need a…