HDL Raising Drugs Do Not Improve Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality

This article presents the studies that show that HDL-increasing drugs do not improve cardiovascular disease survival. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is commonly known as “good cholesterol.” HDL removes cholesterol from atherosclerotic plaques from the arteries (cholesterol efflux) and returns them to the liver for elimination (reverse cholesterol transport). The effects of high levels of HDL result…

Triglyceride/LDL Cholesterol ratio predicts small dense LDL, the best predictor of atherosclerosis

New developments in cardiovascular risk factors concerning cholesterol show that small dense low-density lipoprotein (sd-LDL) is a most potent inductor of atherogenesis and is a better predictor than LDL.[1][2]. LDL consists of several subclasses of particles with different sizes and densities like the large buoyant “fluffy” LDL, mid-band LDL, and small dense LDL. In contrast…