The I-PREVENT COVID Protection Protocol

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance updated its protocols. I-PREVENT: COVID Protection Protocol is the new name for the COVID-19 Prevention Protocol. The I-PREVENT protocol must be part of an overall strategy that includes common-sense public health actions such as good hand hygiene, avoiding crowded public gatherings, adequate ventilation, and other measures. The following…

Zinc for COVID-19

I have been taking zinc tablets since my days in the emergency room. In all 18 years, I never took a sick day off despite people accidentally coughing in my face when I checked their throats. It is particularly valuable during winter when other upper respiratory viruses are in season. Zinc is part of the…

Zinc Deficiency Impairs the Immune System

The immune system needs adequate amounts of zinc to handle COVID-19. This article is a repost from April 2020. The World Health Organization issued a report that says zinc deficiency is present in one-third of the world’s population[7] Worldwide, about two billion people are estimated to be affected by zinc deficiency. In developing countries, zinc…