The Kaizen Way of Fasting


The Kaizen way was popularized by Masaaki Imai. It means improvement. The Kaizen Way is a method adopted by the Toyota Motor Company and other successful companies to make small improvements to make production more efficient. The changes that are made appear minute to make a difference, but over time, numerous small incremental changes add up to produce a significant change.

Psychological Barriers to Fasting

When I talk to some people about intermittent fasting, the thought of missing a meal is unthinkable. That is understandable because, at one time, I thought the same. Images of starvation and short tempers come to mind. It is enough to intimidate many.

And if you mention that the meals should be low in carbohydrates is enough to elicit a short pause and a widening of the eyes and exclaiming, “What? No rice, bread, noodles, pasta, and potatoes? I will die! I was in the same predicament a long time ago when the thought of not having rice during a meal is enough to ruin the repast. But there is hope because of the Kaizen technique. The Kaizen allows for adaptation to small changes that leads to fantastic results!

The Kaizen Way

Changing the Type of Carbohydrates from Starch to Vegetables

Start with measuring the number of carbohydrates you are eating with a meal, whether it is pasta, bread, rice, or noodles.


Replace half of that with vegetables. It can be bulky like broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, bottle gourd (upo), sponge gourd (patola), squash, string beans, and other sold vegetables.

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, romaine lettuce, arugula, kale, and spring greens are a good source of nitric oxide to lower the blood pressure and are suitable for the blood vessels. Read the nitric oxide article.

Decrease the number of carbohydrates to 1 cup at the same time, increasing the number of vegetables in the meal. Then decrease to 1/2 cup of starch and add more vegetables. The more veggies you add, the better. The duration may take days, but you will get there.


Increase the Fasting Duration Slowly

Fasting is easy because sleeping time is included in it. Start with 10 or 12 hours of fasting. Start the fast at 7 or 8 pm, depending on what is your last meal. No snacks after that. Then count 10 to 12 hours, including sleep, until you can have the next meal.

Start a written or electronic journal and record the times of the last meal the night before. Keep in mind that while fasting, you can have as much black coffee, tea, and water, but there should be no added sugar. If you must really, really have something sweet in your beverage, Stevia is acceptable with the goal of continually decreasing the amount of sweetness until you no longer have a craving for the sweet taste. Sugar is highly addicting to some, that is the reason why it should be removed. There will be a future article on the neuroscience of taste.

Increase the fasting duration by 15 minutes a day or every two days. Do not think about the next meal or food while fasting. Stay busy. Watching network television is not useful if there are food or restaurant commercials. Consider putting an Adblocker on your computer so that no fast food ads will pop up.

When you experience hunger and you will, as long as you are not on any diabetic medications, craving does not necessarily mean that your blood sugar is dangerously low that you will pass out or faint. Drinking any of the beverages mentioned above will help tide you over, and the hunger sensation will pass. The feeling of hunger is a lot more psychological than physiologic. Avoid bending forward because it will squeeze your stomach, and some stomach juice will go to your esophagus and cause heartburn, which may be interpreted as hunger.

When you are comfortable with fasting, you can prolong the duration to 14, 15, then 16 hours. It depends on your goals and medical history.

Increase Your Salt and Water Intake

You will notice an increase in the amount of urine as your body becomes more insulin sensitive. Urine is water and salt. Therefore, add Himalayan or rock salt in your diet and increase your fluid intake. Many people are deficient in magnesium, and we lose it in the urine. That is why. If you develop constipation, that may be a sign that you need to drink more. Drink more fluids during waking hours and then decrease the volume of fluids the nearer you get to bedtime to prevent getting up many times to pee.

If you are taking diabetic medications, including insulin, talk to your physician first and monitor your blood sugar 4 times daily. Diabetic medications will need to be adjusted if you are going to do the fasting properly. Blood pressure medications may need to be adjusted as you lose weight. Do not be surprised if some drugs will be discontinued because you will not need them anymore.

What is the Science Behind Fasting?

Fasting is the way to control the level of the most dominant hormone, insulin, in our body. When the insulin level is high after eating, it stores the food as glycogen or fat. If you fast, then the insulin level goes down, and the fat stores are mobilized or “burned.” Watch What Can’t I Lose Weight?

One last thing is that support within the family is essential. If you can convince your someone special to do intermittent fasting with you, then it will be much easier.

I will be starting an online advice service in the future. I would like to know how many will be interested, so let me know.

Further Readings:

Gemba Kaizen by Masaaki Imai

Image Attributions:

Vegetable Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

Clock Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

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