The Truth About Glyphosate: Health Risks You Shouldn’t Ignore

This article discusses the health effects of glyphosate on the food chain. It has three parts. First is why it isn’t easy to find objective research on a product that earns billions. Second are the health effects of glyphosate. The third part is how you can lower your exposure.

This series of articles was inspired by a post on X.

This report is my contribution.


What is Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the world. It is primarily used in agriculture to control weeds. It also helps increase crop yields. It is the active ingredient in Roundup and many generic formulations.

Glyphosate is commonly applied to genetically modified (GMO) crops. These crops are engineered to withstand its effects. This allows farmers to spray entire fields without harming the main crops.

It is also a pre-harvest drying agent (desiccant) on grains and legumes. The main goal of drying grains and legumes before harvesting is to reduce moisture content. Drying prevents mold and fungal growth, improves storage and shelf life, prevents sprouting, and makes harvesting easier.

Glyphosate residues stick on crops after pre-harvest drying, leading to human exposure and health risks.

Glyphosate Sprayed On Crops
The Truth About Glyphosate: Health Risks You Shouldn’t Ignore Glyphosate

Global Glyphosate Usage

  • United States: Over 280 million pounds (127 million kg) of glyphosate are applied annually, primarily on corn, soybeans, and wheat.
  • Europe: Despite restrictions in some countries, glyphosate use remains high. In 2023, the EU renewed its approval for another ten years. It is widely used in cereal crops, vineyards, and olive groves.
  • Asia: Countries like China, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines use glyphosate extensively. Some nations apply it to over 70% of their total herbicide-treated crops.

The Challenge of Finding Unbiased Studies on Glyphosate and Its Health Risks

Researching the health effects of glyphosate is more complex than usual. Search results often present conflicting studies. Some show clear health risks, while others dismiss any concerns.

This inconsistency contrasts starkly with research on topics like fasting and exercise. In these cases, scientific consensus overwhelmingly supports their health benefits. The difference?

Glyphosate is a product of a multinational corporation. It generates billions of dollars annually, making it susceptible to industry influence—just like pharmaceutical products.

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and other herbicides, has been the subject of intense scientific and regulatory debate. While it is one of the most widely used weed killers in the world, its safety has been questioned. There are potential links to cancer, endocrine disruption, and other health concerns.

Monsanto’s Power and Influence

Monsanto, the company that developed glyphosate-based herbicides, is a multinational corporation generating billions of dollars annually. As of 2023, the global market for glyphosate-based herbicides, including Roundup and its generic forms, was valued at approximately $8.7 billion, with projections reaching $18 billion by 2035.

Bayer AG, which acquired Monsanto in 2018, reported €23.3 billion ($25 billion) in sales for its Crop Science division in 2023. A significant portion of these sales comes from glyphosate-based products.

This immense financial power allows the company to influence scientific research significantly. It also affects regulatory agencies and shapes public perceptions about glyphosate’s safety.

Monsanto, Glyphosate'S Manufacturer, Has Its Researchers Who Report That It Is Harmless
The Truth About Glyphosate: Health Risks You Shouldn’t Ignore Glyphosate

Finding unbiased research on glyphosate’s effects takes longer. The significant influence of Monsanto (now part of Bayer) makes it difficult. The broader agricultural industry also plays a role because it also reflects on their herbicides.

The Influence of Monsanto/Bayer on Glyphosate Research

1. Industry-Funded Studies and Potential Bias

Monsanto has a long history of funding studies that conclude glyphosate is safe. Industry-sponsored research is criticized for conflicts of interest, but studies funded by corporations are more likely to produce favorable results.

For example, Monsanto has funded multiple studies dismissing the link between glyphosate and cancer while independent research suggests otherwise.

2. Retraction and Suppression of Critical Studies

Some scientists who publish research on glyphosate’s potential dangers have faced professional backlash. They have received legal threats or even faced retractions of their work.

One notable case is the 2012 study by Gilles-Éric Séralini, which found tumors in rats exposed to glyphosate. The study was initially retracted after industry pressure but was later republished in another scientific journal. This incident highlights how corporate influence can suppress findings that challenge industry claims.

3. Regulatory Capture and Influence on Policymakers

Monsanto has been accused of lobbying regulatory agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to shape risk assessments in its favor.

The “Monsanto Papers“—a collection of internal company documents released through lawsuits—revealed that Monsanto ghostwrote scientific articles. These articles defended glyphosate’s safety. Independent researchers signed off on them.

4. Conflicting Findings Between Independent and Industry Research

Monsanto-backed research often dismisses glyphosate’s health risks. However, independent studies have raised concerns about its potential links to cancer. They also highlight endocrine disruption and other toxic effects. This conflict makes it difficult for the public and policymakers to know the actual risks linked with glyphosate exposure.

Glyphosate: From Farm to Table

Many people assume that herbicides like glyphosate only affect weeds. In reality, they can end up in the foods we eat. Here’s how glyphosate enters the food system and which foods are most affected.

How Glyphosate Contaminates Food

  1. Direct Application on Crops (Desiccation Process)
    • Farmers apply glyphosate directly to crops like wheat, oats, and lentils before harvest to dry them faster. The chemical remains on the plant when harvested and processed into food
  2. Absorption Through Soil and Water
    • Crops can absorb glyphosate through the soil if fields have been previously treated.
    • Water runoff from glyphosate-sprayed fields can carry residues into nearby farms and contaminate irrigation water, affecting organic and non-GMO crops.
  3. Genetically Modified (GMO) Crops Designed to Withstand Glyphosate
    • Many GMO crops, like corn and soybeans, are engineered to survive heavy glyphosate spraying. While the weeds around them die, the crops absorb the herbicide and retain residues by the time they reach consumers.
  4. Livestock Feed Contamination
    • Animals like cows, pigs, and chickens are often fed glyphosate-treated grains. These residues enter meat, eggs, and dairy products consumed by humans.
Glyphosate Is A Farm-To-Table Herbicide
Glyphosate is a farm-to-table herbicide

Foods Most Likely to Contain Glyphosate

  • Grains & Breads: Wheat, oats, barley, and breakfast cereals (especially non-organic).
  • Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts.
  • Corn-Based Products: Corn syrup, tortillas, popcorn, and cornmeal.
  • Processed & Packaged Foods: Crackers, granola bars, cookies, and fast food buns.
  • Meat & Dairy: Animals fed glyphosate-treated grains pass residues into milk, cheese, and meat.
  • Non-Organic Fruits & Vegetables: Some conventionally grown produce may also have glyphosate contamination, depending on farming practices.

Independent Studies on Glyphosate’s Health Risks

Despite industry influence, independent researchers have published studies highlighting potential dangers linked with glyphosate exposure. Below are some of the most notable findings:

1. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Classification (2015)

The IARC is a division of the World Health Organization (WHO). In 2015, it classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A).

This conclusion was based on limited evidence of human cancer and enough evidence of cancer in experimental animals. The IARC also found strong evidence of genotoxicity, suggesting that glyphosate can damage DNA.

Reference: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). (2015). Some Organophosphate Insecticides and Herbicides, Volume 112. Lyon, France: IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Available at:

2. Meta-Analysis on Glyphosate Exposure and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (2019)

A 2019 meta-analysis examined the association between glyphosate exposure and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). The study found that individuals with high glyphosate exposure had a 41% increased risk of developing NHL. This research incorporated data from multiple studies, strengthening the evidence of a potential link between glyphosate exposure and cancer.

Reference: Zhang L, et al. Exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides and risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A meta-analysis and supporting evidence. Mutat Res. 2019 Jul-Sep;781:186-206. doi: 10.1016/j.mrrev.2019.02.001. Epub 2019 Feb 10. PMID: 31342895; PMCID: PMC6706269.

A Typical Patient Who Was Exposed To Glyphosate And Has Nhl Is A White Man In His 60S
A typical patient who was exposed to glyphosate and has NHL is a white man in his 60s

3. Review of Glyphosate’s Genotoxic and Endocrine Disrupting Effects (2023)

A 2023 comprehensive review analyzed 175 studies on glyphosate’s health risks. The authors found strong and consistent evidence of genotoxic effects (DNA damage). They also found evidence of endocrine disruption. This could lead to various health problems, including hormone imbalances and reproductive toxicity.

4. Toxicity of Glyphosate on the Nervous System

Independent research has explored glyphosate’s impact on the nervous system. It suggests that glyphosate may have cytotoxic and genotoxic effects on neural cells.

These effects could lead to neurotoxic outcomes. Some studies show a link between glyphosate exposure and neurodegenerative conditions, though further research is needed.

5. Carcinogenicity Studies in Mice

Independent carcinogenicity studies in mice have reported increased tumor incidences linked with glyphosate exposure. Despite these findings, regulatory agencies have continued classifying glyphosate as non-carcinogenic, leading to ongoing debates about its safety.

Reference: Portier CJ. A comprehensive analysis of the animal carcinogenicity data for glyphosate from chronic exposure rodent carcinogenicity studies. Environ Health. 2020 Feb 12;19(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s12940-020-00574-1. PMID: 32050978; PMCID: PMC7014589.

Glyphosate Has Been Found To Cause Dna Damage, Disrupts The Gut Microbiome And Is Neurotoxic.
Glyphosate has been found to cause DNA damage, disrupts the gut microbiome, and is neurotoxic.

The Verdict on Glyphosate

Industry-funded studies often conclude that glyphosate is safe. However, independent research has raised serious concerns about its potential links to cancer, DNA damage, endocrine disruption, and neurotoxicity.

Given these conflicting conclusions, a cautious approach to glyphosate use is necessary. This approach emphasizes independent research and calls for stricter regulations and alternative weed management strategies.

To protect public health, consumers should stay informed about the risks of glyphosate exposure and advocate for transparent, unbiased research.

Choosing organic foods is essential. Another important step is avoiding glyphosate-contaminated produce.

Additionally, supporting independent scientific investigations helps reduce glyphosate’s impact on human health and the environment.

How to Find Glyphosate-Free Foods

Buy Organic Glyphosate-Free Produce.
Buy organic glyphosate-free produce.

1. Look for Certified Organic Labels

  • Foods labeled USDA Organic, EU Organic, or Certified Organic must be grown without synthetic herbicides like glyphosate.
  • Organic produce, grains, and packaged foods are less likely to be contaminated with glyphosate residue.

2. Choose Non-GMO Verified Foods

  •  The “Non-GMO Project Verified” label does not guarantee glyphosate-free food. However, it helps avoid genetically modified crops. These crops, like corn and soy, are heavily sprayed with glyphosate.
  • Look for the Non-GMO Project Verified seal as an added safeguard.

3. Avoid Conventionally Grown High-Risk Crops

  • Glyphosate is widely used as a pre-harvest desiccant on wheat, oats, barley, soy, corn, lentils, and chickpeas.
  • Opt for organic grains and legumes whenever possible.

4. Check for Glyphosate-Free Certifications

5. Buy from Local Organic Farmers

  • Farmers’ markets and local organic farms often use fewer chemicals.
  • Ask farmers if their crops are glyphosate-free, even if they are not certified organic.

6. Filter Your Water

7. Support Brands Committed to Glyphosate-Free Products

  • Certain brands actively test and remove glyphosate from their supply chains. Research and support companies that prioritize clean food sourcing.

By making conscious food choices, you can reduce your exposure to glyphosate and support a healthier, more sustainable food system.

Call to Action

To protect your health, stay informed about the risks of glyphosate exposure and advocate for transparent, unbiased research.

Choosing organic foods is crucial. It helps in avoiding glyphosate-contaminated produce.

Supporting independent scientific investigations is also essential. These actions are key steps toward reducing glyphosate’s impact on human health and the environment.

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  1. Rana I et al. Mapping the key characteristics of carcinogens for glyphosate and its formulations: A systematic review. Chemosphere. 2023 Oct;339:139572. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.139572. Epub 2023 Jul 18. PMID: 37474029.
  2. Expert meeting shows that glyphosate is not safe for health and environment
  3. Glyphosate Scientific Review Revised Draft Phase 2 Report
  4. Schluter HM, et al. Potential Role of Glyphosate, Glyphosate-Based Herbicides, and AMPA in Breast Cancer Development: A Review of Human and Human Cell-Based Studies. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2024 Aug 17;21(8):1087. doi: 10.3390/ijerph21081087. PMID: 39200696; PMCID: PMC11354939.

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