This article talks about tinnitus and other hearing complications after receiving COVID-19 injections.
What is tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a sound that you hear, not from an external source. It can happen to one or both ears and be continuous or intermittent. The sound can be buzzing, roaring, clicking, hissing, or humming. It can be loud and persistent such that it can drive some people to take their own life.
Tinnitus and COVID-19 shots
Three cases were reported after the Pfizer BNT162b2 shots. Two out of three recovered spontaneously.[2]
One case of combined tinnitus and cochleopathy was reported after the first AstraZeneca jab. Cochleopathy is a disease of the cochlea of the inner ear. The cochlea converts sounds’ vibrations into electrical impulses sent to the brain. The patient recovered after the doctors gave steroids.[6]
As of March 4, 2022, 19,630 tinnitus have been reported in VAERS.[8]

Tinnitus, Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss, and Vestibular Neuritis after AstraZeneca
Medina and Gonzales reported six patients who developed sensorineural hearing loss.[4]
In their series, four cases presented with hearing loss and tinnitus a few days after the second dose of the Astra Zeneca vaccine and one patient with the same symptoms after the first dose. Four out of five were successfully treated with steroids. However, one presented two months after the onset and did not improve with treatment. [4]
Another patient presented with vestibular neuritis, an inflammation of the vestibulocochlear nerve after the first dose of the AstraZeneca injection. Her symptoms were sudden, severe vertigo (spinning/swaying sensation), difficulty in walking, nausea, and vomiting.
Her symptoms were so severe that she had to be admitted to the hospital and managed with intravenous diphenidol, ondansetron, to relieve nausea and vomiting. Dexamethasone is a steroid and an anti-inflammatory. She was discharged home after 48 hours.[4]
Hearing Loss Post COVID19 shots in VAERS
One thousand one hundred twenty-seven reports of sensorineural hearing loss are reported to VAERS post-COVID-19 shots. [9]

Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) Jab
The Liberal reports that the Irish Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) included tinnitus and vertigo as side effects of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine.
Product information for COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen® will be updated to include dizziness and tinnitus (ringing or other noises in one or both ears) as potential side effects.
Dizziness and tinnitus are two of the more regularly reported suspected side effects…Up to 03 August, the HPRA received 49 reports of dizziness and nine reports of tinnitus following administration of COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen®”.
In a report by Drug Discovery and Trends,
Six volunteers in J&J’s Phase 3 trial for its COVID-19 vaccine complained of tinnitus. FDA, however, concluded there was insufficient evidence to link the issue to the vaccine.
I hope the FDA pays attention now.
Ramsay Hunt syndrome after Pfizer shot.
In Hong Kong, a man started to have fever and pain in the right ear two days after his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) shot. Vesicles also developed in his right ear and canal, including vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. He complained of facial palsy, tongue numbness, and loss of taste (dysgeusia). [7]
On examination, the right side of his face was paralyzed. The diagnosis was Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, a combination of paralysis of the facial nerve, vestibulocochlear neuropathy, and neuropathy of the ninth cranial nerve called the glossopharyngeal nerve.
Examination of the vesicles was positive for the varicella-zoster virus. The man developed shingles that affected several cranial nerves [facial (7th), vestibular (8th), and glossopharyngeal (9th)]. Shingles are a common side effect of the COVID19 shots.
Shingles after COVID-19 Vaccination
Shingles Post COVID19 shots in VAERS
Eleven thousand seven hundred forty-seven shingles or herpes zoster have been reported to VAERS as of March 4, 2022.[10]

Statistically significant association
R.A.W. is a lawyer who suffered ear problems after a COVID-19 shot. This prompted him and his doctor, L.J.B., to make a study, [5] that showed,
The COVID-19 vaccines were associated with statistically significant increases in the incidence of vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and Bell’s palsy of 1877, 50, 12, and 14 cases per 100,000, respectively.
In relation to the mRNA-1273 (Moderna) or BNT162b2 (Pfizer) vaccines, the Ad26.COV2.S (J&J) vaccine was associated with a statistically significant excess incidence of vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss of at least 723, 57, and 55 cases per 100,000, respectively.
Conclusion These results suggest an association between the COVID-19 vaccines and vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and Bell’s palsy. They also suggest that, with respect to vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss, the association is relatively strong for the Ad26.COV2.S (J&J) vaccine.
Why do tinnitus and other complications happen after the COVID shots?
There are no definite answers, but there are possible explanations.
Molecular mimicry
Some amino acid sequences in the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 are similar to amino acid sequences in humans. If an immune response is developed towards those amino acids in the virus, those same viruses can attack human cells like the nerves and cause problems. That is called molecular mimicry.
I wrote several articles about molecular mimicry and the COVID-19 shots during the early days of injections to warn people about it.
- COVID-19, Autoimmunity and Vaccination, Part 1
- COVID-19, Autoimmunity, and Vaccination Part 2
- COVID-19, Autoimmunity, and Vaccination Part 3
- Molecular Mimicry between the SARS-CoV-2 and the Breathing Center
- Molecular mimicry between the spike protein and humans can shut down platelet production
Inflammatory Cytokines
Another mechanism proposed by Shaowen Bao is inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) affect the hearing pathway. Dr. Bao has papers about cytokines and hearing that can be read here and here.
Only one among the articles mentioned above detailed the steroid treatment used for tinnitus. “One patient was treated with one dose of 10 mg intravenous dexamethasone and a 3-day oral 5 mg prednisolone three times per day”. [6]
Steroids cannot be bought over the counter, and it has to be prescribed by a doctor. Consult a physician right away if you experience ringing in the ears, loss of hearing, or dizziness after COVID-19 shots. Delayed treatment may not be as effective.
If you develop blisters in the skin with or without COVID-19 shots, seek a medical consult immediately. It may be shingles, and they should be treated within 48 hours of onset.
Truth heals. Lies kill. Don’t Get Sick!
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- Risk-benefit analysis shows a higher risk of COVID vax death than COVID-19 disease for those under 80 years old
- Stanford study shows spike proteins in the blood for two days and lymph nodes for sixty days post COVID vaccination
- Rapid Progression of a Lymphoma following Pfizer booster shot
- 13 ways that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein causes damage
- SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins detected in the plasma following Moderna shots
- Higher blood pressure after COVID shots and why it happens
- Study shows spike proteins affect cardiac pericytes
- Retinal complications after COVID shots
- The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can form amyloids seen in lung, blood, and nervous system disorders
- UK Study of COVID-19 shots and Excess Rates of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
- Ahmed et al. SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-associated-tinnitus: A review. Annals of Medicine and Surgery. Volume 75, March 2022, 103293.
- Parrino D, Frosolini A, Gallo C, De Siati RD, Spinato G, de Filippis C. Tinnitus following COVID-19 vaccination: report of three cases. Int J Audiol. 2021 Jun 13:1-4. doi: 10.1080/14992027.2021.1931969. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34120553.
- Tseng PT, Chen TY, Sun YS, Chen YW, Chen JJ. The reversible tinnitus and cochleopathy followed first-dose AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination. QJM. 2021;114(9):663-664. doi:10.1093/qjmed/hcab210
- Canales Medina M, Ramirez Gómez M. Tinnitus, Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss, and Vestibular Neuritis As Complications of the Astra Zeneca COVID-19 Vaccine. Cureus. 2022 Jan;14(1):e20906. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.20906. PMID: 35145810.
- P.T. Tseng, T.Y. Chen, Y.S. Sun, Y.W. Chen, J.J. Chen, The reversible tinnitus and
cochleopathy followed first-dose AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination, QJM: Int. J.
Med. (2021) 1–9. Published online - United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Public Health Service (PHS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) / Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 1990 – 03/04/2022, CDC WONDER On-line Database. Accessed at on Mar 17, 2022 10:33:06 AM
- United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Public Health Service (PHS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) / Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 1990 – 03/04/2022, CDC WONDER On-line Database. Accessed at on Mar 17, 2022 10:29:17 AM
- United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Public Health Service (PHS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) / Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 1990 – 03/04/2022, CDC WONDER On-line Database. Accessed at on Mar 17, 2022 10:34:33 AM
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