Vaccine-induced deaths in the US and Europe are way higher than the VAERS reports!

The preprint study,  COVID vaccination, and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk showed that the CDC estimates of vaccine-induced fatality rates (VFR) of 0.002% are underreported by a factor of 20.

Spiro Pantazatos from Columbia University and Herve Seligmann, an independent researcher with 194 publications, made the study.


COVID shots increase deaths from all causes 0-5 weeks post-injection in almost all age groups. The deaths happen after the roll-out for each age group.

According to the authors, the temporal relationship between the injections and deaths proves a cause-and-effect relationship rather than mere association.

The US national VFR average is 0.04%. In ages 0-17, it is 0.004%, and in >75 years old, it is 0.06%. Those percentages may seem small, but if you multiply them with the total number of vaccinated, the actual number of vaccine-induced fatalities in the US are from 146 thousand to 187 thousand from February to August 2021.

The study also uncovered a hidden rise in mortality among unvaccinated children, including babies.

Their study led the authors to conclude that the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults, and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.

What are the sources of data?

In contrast to the CDC, their raw data was not obtained from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The CDC’s vaccine-induced fatality VFR is 0.002% only. However, VAERS is a passive reporting system, and not many people, including nurses and doctors, know about it.

Furthermore, entering data on VAERS is tedious and time-consuming, and no one gets paid to do it. The Lazarus report in 2010 concluded that the deaths in the VAERS are underreported by 100.

The Pantazatos study used EuroMOMO or European mortality monitoring for European data. EuroMOMO aims to detect and measure excess deaths related to seasonal influenza, pandemics, and other public health threats on their website.

The CDC’s Provisional COVID Deaths by Sex and Age in the US is the source for each state’s total deaths per month by age group and sex. The United States COVID Cases and Deaths by State over Time were used to obtain the number of COVID cases per month in each US state.

We will go straight ahead to the results. The authors made their data available to the public. If anyone wants to do their statistical analysis to check their work, feel free to do so.


Europe and Israel

The more shots, the more excess all-cause deaths.

The figure below shows the deaths and number of vaccination from different European countries. The blue dotted line averages the excess deaths with vaccination from the countries in the graph.

The upgoing blue dotted line means that the more people get the shots, the more they die from all causes. This graph is consistent with a previous article, Harvard Study: Vaccination Does Not Affect the Number of COVID-19 Cases.

Vaccine-Induced Deaths In The Us And Europe Are Way Higher Than The Vaers Reports!
Source: Pantazatos And Seligmann, 2021

The table below shows the increased deaths in yellow squares per age group. Blue square means protection. The table looks busy, but I want you to focus on the 0-14 age group, and it is the topmost with lots of yellow squares (excess deaths).

Higher deaths in the 0-14 years old exposed

The 0-14 years old were not vaccinated; however, there is an increased death rate. The authors could detect a statistical correlation between 0-14 years old adult deaths. Adult deaths indirectly increase the all-cause mortality in unvaccinated children. (<18, US; <15, Europe)

Vaccine-Induced Deaths In The Us And Europe Are Way Higher Than The Vaers Reports!
Source: Pantazatos And Seligmann, 2021

A few weeks of protection if vaccinated people survive thru the first weeks after the shot.

The peaks and troughs below show the number of deaths (shaded yellow above the horizontal line) and protective effects (lower deaths) in blue per age group. The x-axis (horizontal) is weeks after the first injection. The boxes are divided into age groups (0-14, 15-44, 45-64, etc.).

  1. It shows that in the 0-14 age group, there are excess deaths up to week 20.
  2. Most deaths occur within the first weeks after vaccination, and vaccine protection happens after the sixth week after the first dose injection. The increased mortality in the first 0-6 weeks post-injection may partly be due to increased COVID infectivity before vaccine protection takes effect.
  3. There is an increase in deaths, up to 5-6 weeks after the first injection, followed by a decrease in mortality associated with vaccination 6-20 weeks post-injection.
  4. For age groups 15-44 and 45-64, the overall tendency is that protective vaccine
    effects disappear about 20 weeks after the first injection
  5. After week 20, there might be a tendency for adverse effects of vaccination. After week 20, breakthrough infections with antibody-dependent enhancement can occur as neutralizing antibodies wane.

Learn more about it here. What is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement,t and why should you care.

Vaccine-Induced Deaths In The Us And Europe Are Way Higher Than The Vaers Reports!
Source: Pantazatos And Seligmann, 2021

US results

The table below shows the excess deaths in yellow squares per age group. Notice that the excess deaths coincided with the month of vaccine roll-out in those age groups.

The vaccination campaign first targeted nursing homes and older age groups before younger age groups became eligible for vaccination.

Vaccine-Induced Deaths In The Us And Europe Are Way Higher Than The Vaers Reports!
Source: Pantazatos And Seligmann, 2021

Excess Vaccine-induced fatality rate per age group in the US

  1. 0.005% for 18-29 years
  2. 0.009% for 30-39
  3. 0.017% for 40-49
  4. 0.016% for 50-64
  5. 0.036% for 65-74
  6. 0.06% for 75-84 and
  7. 0.055% for 85-plus 

The study’s estimated US national average vaccine-induced fatality rate is 0.04% is 20-fold higher than the CDC reported VFR of 0.002%, suggesting vaccine-associated deaths are underreported by at least a factor of 20 in VAERS.

Higher infant deaths

The 0-17 age group includes infants < 1-year-old. Infant deaths comprise the majority of deaths in this age group [2]. Since infants are not vaccinated, the authors
hypothesized that this effect could be attributed to vaccinations in the mother given in July 2021.
Trial site news reported that 2,346 adverse effects reported in VAERS were pregnant mothers at the time of vaccination, 36% of whom experienced some pregnancy disorder. [3]

The study revealed by doing regression analysis (a statistical tool) 667 infant deaths in the US during August 2021 may be attributed to vaccinations in July 2021, while 1,227 deaths were estimated overall in the 0-17 age group.

The table below shows the 0-17 age group circled in red and the 1,227 deaths in August.

Vaccine-Induced Deaths In The Us And Europe Are Way Higher Than The Vaers Reports!
Source: Pantazatos And Seligmann, 2021

Antibody-dependent enhancement can happen to breastfed infants who acquired antibodies from vaccinated mothers.

Know more about it at Antibody-Dependent Enhancement in Breastfed Infants

My thoughts about the study

The research done by Pantazatos and Seligmann reveals many things that are wrong with the way the pandemic is handled in Europe and the US. There are many.

They are the under-reporting of vaccine-related deaths, the waning of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies from shots that were supposed to be 96% effective, and the weakening of the immune system after the jabs and antibody-dependent enhancement in all ages.

There is also the prohibition of effective medicines like ivermectin that led to unnecessary deaths.

The shocking thing is the increased fatalities in unvaccinated children. Is it suicides from depression due to isolation from endless quarantines and lockdowns or the death of a family member? Drug abuse? Is it a lack of care? More studies should be done so that this insanity does not happen again.

Think long and hard before you get another shot.


Don’t Get Sick!

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  1. CDC reports on the Danger of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to adolescents aged 12-17 years
  2. Durable Immunity from Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Lasts only Six Months
  3. The Durability Study of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is Strange and Unusual
  4. Lot Numbers of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Vaccines with the Highest Deaths
  5. The Pfizer and Moderna booster shots are about 50% effective
  6. COVID Vaccines are Non-Sterilizing and Can Lead to More Infectious Variants
  7. CDC Report shows 25% Mortality in Breakthrough Cases
  8. Know the Absolute Risk Reduction of the COVID-19 Vaccines!
  9. RNA splice study shows why AstraZeneca and Janssen jabs are clot shots
  10. Five Mechanisms of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement
  11. Antibody-dependent enhancement can happen to Delta Variant COVID-19


  1. Pantazatos, Spiro & Seligmann, Herve. (2021). COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk. 10.13140/RG.2.2.28257.43366. 

  2. Brock AR, Thornley S. Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy. Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law. 2021 Nov;4:130–43.

  3. Lack of Compelling Safety data for mRNA COVID Vaccines in Pregnant Women. TrialSiteNews. 2021 [cited 2021 Nov 6].

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