Why there’s a bag on the airplane oxygen mask

In any airline flight, you will hear the flight attendants say something like, “In case of a drop in air pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling.”

“Wear the mask and be aware that oxygen is present even though the bag does not inflate.”

So what’s the bag for?

You can imagine that the sudden presence of oxygen masks means trouble and there is a possibility of a plane crash and even death.

That can trigger an anxiety or panic attacks on some passengers causing them to hyperventilate.

Hyperventilating blows out carbon dioxide and makes the blood alkaline.

The alkalinity causes electrolyte shifts in the nerves especially calcium.

The electrolyte changes can cause the hands to cramp. The fingers and wrists will bend uncontrollably and the feet and toes will point downward. A condition called carpopedal spasms.

The whole body can stiffen up to be like a wooden board.

The person can have an altered state of consciousness or even pass out.

This creates a medical situation and add distress to the other passengers notwithstanding additional work to the flight crew.

I have seen many cases like this in the emergency room and the treatment is an oxygen mask with a bag.

The presence of the bag allows carbon dioxide recirculation and prevents a medical situation.

Of course you can also use the barf bag but you need your hands to be free when you assume the crash position to protect your head.

And that is why there is a bag on the oxygen mask.

Don’t Get Sick!