10 Unbelievably Easy Ways to Screw Up Intermittent Fasting!

Many people have tried to lose weight using intermittent fasting. I know many who are successful. But do you know that unbelievable as it may seem, snafus can happen? Presenting…

The 10 Unbelievably Easy Ways to Screw Up Intermittent Fasting!

  1. Watch cooking and travel shows. Put yourself in the place of the host as he/she watches the food being prepared and pay attention to the euphoric facial expression with each bite.
  2. Enjoy the print ads about food! What’s the special this week?
  3. In google, search for pizza, french fries, chicken, burgers, pasta, use your imagination! Then watch the power of the internet as it analyzes your keystrokes and enters it into its algorithm that is specific for you. Then marvel at the following websites with ads about foods that you just typed. It’s magical! You will wonder how you survived all these years.
  4. Got Halloween leftover candies? No? Use the coupons and take advantage of the post-Halloween discounts. Then buy some more for next year. You got to beat the crowd. What are you waiting for?
  5. Don’t encourage anyone around you to eat healthily. Better yet, eat with people who are not fasting and watch how they enjoy themselves with gusto.
  6. During mealtime, make up for that missed meal. Better yet, add the food you will skip the next day.
  7. When you see food, try this just once, “I will just have a tiny bit. Just a taste” You don’t want to feel that you’re to fooling yourself.
  8. Watch cable or network television around 4 to 6 pm when they line up the food commercials and appreciate the work of Pavlov. Pay attention to the drug commercials too. They may be useful someday.
  9. Don’t drink any liquids while fasting. That will surely dehydrate you and land you in the hospital. Anticipate the cacophony of “I told you so!” from all your visitors.
  10. Think, dream, imagine, and obsess about food. Believe me, it’s easier than you think.


As always, don’t do anything you read in this article until you talked with your doctor.

Related readings

  1. The Kaizen Way of Intermittent Fasting
  2. Keto and Intermittent Fasting, a Beginner’s Guide
  3. The Science of Fasting
  4. Are You Skipping Breakfast?
  5. The Difference between Intermittent Fasting and Starvation
  6. The Two Minute Warning
  7. The Metabolic Syndrome
  8. Diseases Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome
  9. The Deadliest Diseases Associated with Metabolic Syndrome
  10. The Story of KAATSU. The Incredible Technique for Muscle Toning and Hypertrophy

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