145 countries with higher COVID-19 cases and deaths after the COVID shots

145 countries with higher COVID-19 cases and deaths after the COVID shots Any immunization program aims to provide more protection to the people against a particular infection. And that should reflect on the lower the number of cases and deaths after the program started. Kyle Beattie discovered the opposite in 145 countries in his paper,…

T cells from previous infections and shots are protective against the Omicron variant

Antibodies and T- cells are produced in response to viral infections and immunizations, and they are specific to the protein sequences of each virus. The immune system “reads” those protein sequences during infections and immunizations and makes particular antibodies and T cells specific to them. The immune system also retains the information in its memory….

Zinc for COVID-19

I have been taking zinc tablets since my days in the emergency room. In all 18 years, I never took a sick day off despite people accidentally coughing in my face when I checked their throats. It is particularly valuable during winter when other upper respiratory viruses are in season. Zinc is part of the…

Here is why COVID testing before a plane flight does not work

Recently, I gave a ride to a family member from a train terminal. She just traveled internationally. Airline passengers are required to be tested by PCR 24 hours before boarding. She had the PCR test done, but the results were unavailable when she was about to board her flight. The delay is the result of…

Higher blood pressure after COVID shots and why it happens

This article aims to bring awareness about the increase in blood pressure (BP) noted after getting COVID shots. A study in Italy showed that among 113 health care workers who received the Pfizer vaccine, six subjects (5.3%) showed an average rise in systolic or diastolic blood pressure at home by ≥ 10 mmHg during the…

Study shows spike proteins affect cardiac pericytes

An athlete’s muscles need a lot of oxygen when they’re playing, and the heart has to pump more blood to meet the oxygen demand,  and it has to beat faster. The rapid heart rate also increases the heart muscles’ oxygen need, and the heart’s blood vessels have to dilate to allow more blood to flow through….

Melatonin prevents SARS-CoV-2 damage to the brain

Melatonin has many uses for prevention and treatment against covid-19. It is included in the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance protocols for COVID-19.  That’s because melatonin has anti-viral, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects against COVID-19. You can read about them at Melatonin’s Multiple Actions Against COVID-19. A new study that is still in preprint, Melatonin…

The effectiveness of home COVID-19 test kits

This article lists the effectiveness of rapid antigen tests. Antigen tests detect proteins, while PCR test identifies molecules or strands of nucleotides. The benefit of antigen tests is that they can be done at home and have the results in minutes. Not all tests are 100% accurate in detecting viruses’ true presence or absence of…

Epidemiologically, the vaccinated is the same as the unvaxxed

In brief, this letter says that there is no difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated regarding the source of COVID-19, peak viral load, and the severity of illness. The author (and me) suggest that public health policymakers should also factor in the vaccinated people when making public health control measures. (Me: And not to blame…

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

This article is by Margaret Menge and was initially posted in The Center Square, Indiana. It confirms research discussed in Vaccine-induced deaths in the US and Europe are way higher than the CDC reports! I also posted verification at the end. Links and emphasis added. (The Center Square) – The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company …

The most read articles for 2021

What is Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, and why should you care Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) results in severe disease that may result from previous vaccinations or infections with coronavirus. Early treatment of variants, including the Omicron, prevents ADE from happening. The FDA fully approved the Comirnaty and not the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine How to get Ivermectin Lot Numbers of…