This article presents the studies that show that HDL-increasing drugs do not improve cardiovascular disease survival. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is commonly known as “good cholesterol.” HDL removes cholesterol from atherosclerotic plaques from the arteries (cholesterol efflux) and returns them to the liver for elimination (reverse cholesterol transport). The effects of high levels of HDL result…
Author: Jesse Santiano, M.D.
The Many Wonders of HDL
HDL has other functions other than vascular protection. This article presents the other functions of HDL. The salient parts are highlighted in the review article of Kyung-Hyun Cho. After reading this, you will know more about HDL than many others. The HDL quality concerns the morphology of the HDL, such as particle size, shape, and…
Exercise increases the Real Good HDL and Apolipoproteins
At the end of this article, you will know that not all HDL is good for the heart and that exercise increases the large HDL and apolipoprotein. HDL High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is commonly called good cholesterol because it removes cholesterol deposits in the arteries. A process called cholesterol efflux. After that, the HDL brings the…
The minimum duration of aerobic exercise to increase the good cholesterol
This article presents a meta-analysis that showed the effective duration of aerobic exercise to increase HDL or “good cholesterol.” High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is often called good cholesterol. That’s because it causes cholesterol efflux. Cholesterol efflux is when the oxidized LDL or “bad cholesterol” deposits in atherosclerosis are removed from the blood vessels and brought to…
A surprising reason why people get heart attacks
This article presents a study showing why people not previously diagnosed with diabetes get heart attacks.[1] Diabetes is a risk factor for Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS). ACS includes those with heart attacks and those who almost have heart attacks suffering chest pains due to an occluded coronary artery. Having diabetes increases the risk factor for…
Two-Hour After-meal high blood sugar predicts Atherosclerosis better than Fasting blood sugar and HbA1c
This article presents a study that showed the best blood test to predict the development of atherosclerosis. One thousand eight hundred fifty-two patients scheduled for coronary angiography were classified into Normal Glucose Tolerance (NGT), Impaired Glucose Regulation (IGR), and diabetes based on Fasting blood sugar, Post-prandial blood glucose (PBG), and Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c).[1] Blood Sugar…
How often do you do the post prandial sugar test?
How often do you do the post-prandial sugar test? A FB friend inspires this article. She asked, How often do I check my two-hour after-meal blood sugar? Does it have to be every day? It’s a good question. The answer depends on the situation. If I have diabetes or prediabetic, I will do it at…
Testing Post Prandial Glucose Level after a Feast
This article is about the result of a technique to lower post-prandial blood sugar. After-meal glucose spikes or post-prandial hyperglycemia leads to atherosclerosis formation. Atherosclerosis can happen to anyone, even if they do not have diabetes. Post-prandial hyperglycemia predicts atherosclerosis formation better than fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c. Read about it at After meal…
Happy Ressurection Day!
May the meaning of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection fill your hearts. Jesus Rises from the Dead Matthew 28 The day after the Sabbath day was the first day of the week. At dawn on the first day, Mary Magdalene and another woman named Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 At that time there was a…
Thoughts on Natto Making, Eating and Clean-up
This article contains suggestions on making natto. Natto is traditionally made from fermented soybeans cultured with the Bacillus Subtilis bacteria. Natto is the source of nattokinase which has many health benefits. Insulin Resistance and Atherosclerosis and the Nattokinase Solution The Outstanding Vascular Effects and Dose of Nattokinase Another Study shows Nattokinase can Destroy the S1…
Vasospastic Angina after Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 Shots
This article presents two case reports, an adult and a child with vasospastic angina after a COVID mRNA injection. Angina is chest pain due to an arterial blockage. The most common cause is atherosclerosis and a blood clot (thrombosis) in the coronary artery. Angina can also be due to a spasm of the coronaries due…
The Modified German Volume Training
This article is about a study showing that five sets of German Volume Weight Training are as effective as the typical ten sets. German Volume Training (GVT) is a weight-lifting method to increase muscle size without using the heaviest weight you can lift. Larger muscle fibers can consume more glucose while exercising. The downstream effects…
High blood sugar causes Metabolic Memory
This article presents a study that showed that high blood sugar could change macrophages and cause atherosclerosis. The study was published in the journal Circulation in Sept 2021. The authors are from Oxford, UK; the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, the Radboud University in the Netherlands; and the Life and Medical Sciences Institute (LIMES) at the…
A Healthy Lifestyle is as effective as Voglibose and Nateglinide in Lowering 10-year Cardiac Mortality
This article presents two studies that show the superiority of a healthy lifestyle in lowering cardiac-related deaths compared to diabetes medications. And second, the importance of managing early diabetes to prevent cardiovascular deaths. The first study, Effects of voglibose and nateglinide on glycemic status and coronary atherosclerosis in early-stage diabetic patients, or the DIANA (DIAbetes…
Intermittent fasting Reverses Endothelial Dysfunction
This article presents three studies showing intermittent fasting could improve endothelial function. The endothelium is the inner lining of the blood vessels, and the cells in it do a full-time job of keeping it smooth, distensible, and open to maintain adequate organ perfusion, and lower blood pressure, resulting in less work for the heart. The…
Walk After Meals to Prevent Sky High Blood Sugars
This article discusses studies showing that physical activity can lower blood sugar levels after eating. Post-prandial hyperglycemia (PPH) exists if the blood sugar is above normal (hyper). Post-prandial glycemia (PPG) is the blood sugar (glucose) level after eating (prandial). Different professional diabetes associations have their definitions of PPG. Any value above the normal PPG is post-prandial…
After meal blood sugar spikes as a cause of vascular failure
This article is about the damaging effects of high blood sugar on the blood vessels after a meal. Post Prandial Hyperglycemia Post-prandial hyperglycemia (PPH) is the medical term for increased blood sugar after eating. It occurs if the blood sugar is 140 – 200 mg/dl two hours after eating. PPH can damage the arteries. The…
How to Prevent Hyperglycemia with the Vegetables-Meat-Carbs Sequence
This article presents a study that shows how to prevent the rapid rise of blood sugar after a meal or Post-Prandial Glycemia (PPG) After-Meal Blood Sugar and atherosclerosis High blood sugar after meals is a risk factor for developing diabetes and atherosclerosis. It injures the inner lining of the arteries and starts or continues atherosclerosis.[1]…
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease After COVID-19
Doctors from the Harvard Medical School published a case report of a man who developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) after contracting COVID-19.
Multiple Sclerosis after the COVID shots
This article discusses the multiple sclerosis cases that happened after COVID-19 jabs. Mindy, a reader, asked me to look into Multiple Sclerosis relapses after COVID injections after her daughter developed more MS lesions in her brain after her shots upon advice by her physicians. Below are the search results from VAERS Data on how many…