Autopsy Reveals Alarming Truth About COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases!

This article delves into the findings of a study that conducted a series of autopsies, revealing what happened to the organs of vaccinated individuals who died from breakthrough cases of COVID-19. Sometimes, the dead speak to you. – Kenneth Eade Introduction High viral loads: What drives fatal cases of COVID-19 in vaccinees? An autopsy study…

Global incidence of the omicron variant per country Dec. 04, 2021

The article presents the number of omicron variants per country today. The data is from the Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data or GISAID. The omicron variant is now in 30 countries. The other names for omicron are #GR/484A and B.1.1.529 This report serves as a reference only and not to cause panic or anxiety. Underdeveloped countries may have…

Study: Pfizer COVID shots are good for 90 days only. Booster shots every 3 months

The UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recently recommended that booster shots be given every three months. Greece is also recommending booster shots every three months. The emergence of the omicron variant influenced the recommendation. However, research published in the British Journal of Medicine may have provided the scientific background. The study done…

The Pfizer and Moderna booster shots are about 50% effective

This article presents the result of a study that evaluated the effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna booster shots among military veterans. The study is from the US Department of Veterans Affairs and Stanford University. It is a relevant study because it includes older people with comorbidities.  The research included individuals who had received the…

Alcohol use, heat-not-burn tobacco and cigarette smoking decrease antibody response to Pfizer COVID vaccine

The effects of heat-not-burn tobacco products, cigarette smoking, and alcohol use lowered the antibody response to the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine. That’s the summary of the study from Tokyo, Japan. The study was published recently at medRxiv. The goal of the Pfizer COVID vaccine is to increase the antibodies against the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2…

Ultrapotent antibodies from natural infection against diverse and highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants

RNA viruses like the SARS-CoV-2 constantly mutate. The mutations happen inside a person’s body during a COVID-19 infection. The alterations in the gene change the protein sequences and conformation of the virus. The mutations alter the viral properties. For example, a study showed that a change in a single nucleotide, the building block of an…

COVID-19 in children 0-17 years old have low risk of death and hospitalization

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control studied 10 European Union member countries and evaluated the outcome of COVID-19 in children 0-17 years old. Their findings published in Eurosurveillance included 820,404 symptomatic pediatric cases and showed the following results: 1.2% were hospitalized 0.08% required intensive care 0.01% died. Those findings are similar to previous…

Ten Studies showing a low risk of COVID-19 reinfection among unvaccinated

A FaceBook friend asked me what is the chance of reinfection if you recovered from COVID-19. A quick search revealed many studies that show a low risk of infection. I answered her and made this article. The studies are listed in no particular order. Emphasis added. 1. Re-infection Rates among Patients who Previously Tested Positive…

How effective are the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines against COVID-19 household spread?

It’s the cold season now in the northern hemisphere, and people tend to stay indoors. It is also the holiday season which means get-togethers will be frequent. A question that may run in people’s minds is how effective is my Pfizer or the AstraZeneca COVID vaccines? That’s the question that the research from medRxiv answered….

The latest number of omicron variants by country

GISAID or Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data is a website where gene sequences of coronaviruses and influenza viruses are shared. Genetic sequences from all over the world are submitted to GISAID. Based on the gene sequences, scientists can identify and categorize different strains of coronaviruses and influenza viruses. The table below shows the number of omicron variants from…

COVID-19 and Vaccine News November 30, 2021

COVID-19 Infections Among Vaccinated More Common, Severe in Immunocompromised: Study From Epoch Times Breakthrough COVID-19 cases are more common and severe in people with weakened immune systems, according to a new study. Breakthrough infections are those that occur in vaccinated people. Immunocompromised vaccinated people were three times more likely to contract COVID-19, the disease caused by…

No evidence that the omicron variant causes heart problems

A Tweet is circulating that says Take the booster. If you get clots or myocarditis, or heart failure it definitely came from omicron variant, not the booster. Take the booster. It’ll be fine. What? No, it’s just the omicron symptoms are identical to the vaccine, but the vaccine will protect you. The Tweet also included…

Discoverer of the omicron variant successfully treated a six-year-old COVID patient with the “worst symptoms”

Dr. Angelique Coetzee of South Africa is credited with discovering the omicron variant among her patients. ABC Radio National interviewed Dr. Coetzee about the omicron cases that she has seen. She said most have mild symptoms like fever, fatigue, headaches, body aches, and nausea. No one showed symptoms commonly seen with the Delta variant: “No…

COVID-19 and Vaccine News November 29, 2021

A study published in the British Medical Journal shows increased covid-19 infection 90 days after the second injection of the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. Elapsed time since BNT162b2 vaccine and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection: test negative design study Results: 83 057 adults received an RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 during the study period and 9.6% had a…

Should I be afraid of the omicron variant?

Before 2019, some coronaviruses circulated in the population. They are the human coronaviruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1. The SARS-Cov-2 entered the scene in December 2019. Every time a virus infects anyone, it mutates and changes to find a way to survive. That’s because everybody’s immune system is different. The specificity and properties of an…

COVID-19 and Vaccine News November 28, 2021

Omicron symptoms mild so far, says South African doctor who spotted it From BBC   Dr. Angelique Coetzee diagnosed patients who later turned out to have the COVID-19 omicron variants. The patients presented differently in that they complained of “feeling so tired with sore muscle and a slight cough.” “There are no prominent symptoms. Of…

Anti-Idiotype Antibodies against Spike Proteins may Explain Myocarditis

An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine proposed a mechanism for myocarditis after COVID-19 or COVID vaccination. Here is how it happens. During COVID-19 infection or after COVID vaccination, antibodies develop. Anti-spike protein antibodies bind to the spike proteins of the SARS-CoV-2. The antibodies prevent the virus from attaching to the ACE2…

Donor Blood Can Have Spike Protein Exosomes

The Journal of Immunology published a significant study that lives up to its name. Cutting Edge: Circulating Exosomes with COVID Spike Protein Are Induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer–BioNTech) Vaccination prior to Development of Antibodies: A Novel Mechanism for Immune Activation by mRNA Vaccines The study found that people vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine have exosomes carrying…

COVID-19 News November 26, 2021

From today: Anti-Idiotype Antibodies against the Spike Proteins may Explain Myocarditis Donor Blood Can Have Spike Protein Exosomes Passengers on last flights back from South Africa before ban to stop spread of super-mutant Covid strain say they faced no extra restrictions and mixed with other travellers on return to UK From Daily Mail Health Secretary…