The recommendation to wear a mask hinges on whether someone has symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection. The CDC does not recommend wearing a mask if you do not have symptoms or asymptomatic. What defines asymptomatic? The development of symptoms in diseases are gradual. Often a change in one’s condition is usually blamed for…
Author: Jesse Santiano, M.D.
Covid–19 Headlines Mar 17, 2020
 This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles to go to the full report. Click on the titles in blue to read the articles from this website. As…
U.S. Drive-Thru Covid-19 Testing Brings Fresh Hope
The Coronavirus Task Force announces that starting this week, Covid-19 testing labs will be operational in 10 states. Each site is projected to do 2,000 to 4,000 tests a day. The priority for testing are the health care workers and the elderly and the chronically ill. The press conference yesterday laid out the plan to…
Covid–19 Headlines Mar 16, 2020
 This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles to go to the full report. Click on the titles in blue to read the articles from this website. As…
How to Fight an Invisible Enemy
The virus causing the Covid-19 disease is so tiny that you can’t see it. More than that, you can’t smell, feel, and hear it. But that tiny thing has infected more than 160 thousand and killed almost 6,000 worldwide. The Covid-19 virus was able to do that damage because it is very contagious. The virus…
Covid–19 Headlines Mar 15, 2020
Covid-19 is the disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles to go to the full report. Click on the titles in blue…
Using the 80/20 Principle for Covid-19
The 80/20 Rule is also the Law of Inequality or the Pareto principle. The idea is, not everyone contributes equally, and not all efforts produce comparable results. 20% of the energy will produce 80% of the results. 20% will provide 80% of the effect. A minority of the workers will contribute 80% of the results….
Covid–19 Headlines Mar 14, 2020
 Covid-19 is the disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles to go to the full report. I have added my own…
10 Things Anyone Can Do to Lower the Covid-19 Death Rate
The death rate is the simplified term for the case fatality rate. The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) The CFR is the number of deaths for a specific disease divided by all the same conditions. It is multiplied by 100 to produce a percentage. Death rate = Case Fatality Rate = [the number of deaths divided…
Covid–19 Headlines Mar 13, 2020
 Covid-19 is the disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles to go to the full report. I have added my own…
New Covid-19 data confirms the need for 2-week Quarantine
Covid-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2. SARS-CoV-2 will be shortened to SARS-2 for easier reading in this article. A previous article, The SARS-CoV-2, is still present after Covid-19 described how virus particles are continually being shed by a patient that had recovered from the illness….
Covid – 19 Headlines Mar 12, 2020
Covid-19 is the disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles to go to the full report. I have added my own comments…
Protecting At-Risk People from Covid-19
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a set of guidelines to lessen the risk of the at-risk people from catching the Covid-19 virus. Who are the At-Risk People? Older people People with medical problems like Heart disease Lung disease Diabetes Cancer Autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis Who Dies From the Coronavirus? Why…
Treatment and Vaccine Developments for COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2
 SARS-CoV-2 is the official name that the Coronavirus Study Group has given the present coronavirus epidemic. Covid-19 is the name given by the World Health Organization to the same virus. The news about the spread of Covid-19, formerly known as the 2019-novel coronavirus, can be depressing. Especially with more than 76 thousand cases and…
Covid – 19 Headlines Mar 11, 2020
 This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles to go to the full report. Just released: Protecting At-Risk People from Covid-19 Updated: Treatment and Vaccine Developments for COVID-19…
Drive-Thru Testing for Covid-19
South Korea pioneered the drive-thru testing for the Covid-19. The mayor of Goyang was inspired by the efficiency of the Starbucks drive-thru. They started on Feb 26. Since then, South Korea has tested almost more than 202 thousand people with its 50 drive-thru centers. As of today, Australia, Wales, Sheffield, England, and the University of…
Covid – 19 Headlines Mar 10, 2020
 This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. News sources retain all copyright. Click on the titles to go to the full report. Just published today Drive-Thru Testing for Covid-19 In case you missed them: Why is…
Why is Covid-19 testing badly needed?
The symptoms and the course of Covid-19 are mild in the majority of the cases (about 80%). Only a small number needs admission to the hospital. If most cases are mild, why is there a need for testing? Testing can protect the at-risk group. Protect from whom? Covid-19 cases including asymptomatic ones can spread the…
Can children get infected with the Covid-19?
Yes, they do. Covid-19 in children A study of more than 72 thousand Covid-19 cases in China published by the China CDC showed that the 0-9 years old are only 0.9% of the cases, and the 10-19 year-olds are only 1.2 % of the total cases. It is shown in the figure below. Another good…
Covid – 19 Headlines Mar 9, 2020
This page will update all day. Check frequently to be current. Check out on the ads to help support the website. Headlines have embedded links. Click on them to get the full report. Just released today: Why is testing for Covid-19 badly needed? Can children get infected with the Covid-19? The Complete Covid-19 Articles If…