COVID Shots: Anxiety Surge And A Mental Health Mystery

This article discusses the study showing that there is an increased risk of psychiatric side effects after the COVID-19 vaccines. Introduction A recent study published in Molecular Psychiatry in November 2024 sheds light on the complex relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and mental health outcomes. Conducted in South Korea, the research analyzed over 2 million people to understand…

Why COVID Vaccine Immunity Fade: New Discovery

This article presents studies that explain why immunity derived from COVID-19 infection and its jabs does not last long. Introduction Scientists have finally solved one of COVID-19’s most puzzling mysteries: why vaccine protection fades so quickly. A groundbreaking study, SARS-CoV-2-specific plasma cells are not durably established in the bone marrow long-lived compartment after mRNA vaccination, …

Dangerous Trans Fats Found Lurking In Your Coffee Mix

This article will explore the risks of trans fats in coffee mixes (3 in 1 coffee). It will also discuss misleading labeling and its impact on the body. Lastly, it will cover how to reduce their effects.     Introduction Powdered creamers and 3-in-1 coffee mixes are convenient and affordable. They are widely consumed by…

Excess Deaths in the US: 2023 and 2024

This article discusses the excess deaths in the US in 2023 and 2024. Addendum Nov. 11, 2024 As an observant reader, JB corrected my calculations for this article, which was initially published on Mar. 3, 2024. Thank you very much, JB, for setting the record straight.  Please see his comment and calculations below: Jesse, I…

Green Tea: A Great Alternative for Coffee After a Meal

This article discusses why green tea does not raise blood sugar as much as coffee after a meal. A previous article, How Drinking Coffee After a Meal Can Increase Postprandial Blood Sugar, discussed why drinking coffee after a meal can increase postprandial blood sugar. Green tea, unlike coffee, is generally not associated with an increase…

The Amazing Lithium for COVID-19 and Long COVID

Introduction Lithium is a nutritional supplement with antiviral properties. It can also prevent a cytokine storm, making it useful for COVID-19.  The good thing about lithium is that it has yet to be well known and thus not vilified like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Being over the counter makes it easily accessible.   This video will serve…

The Outstanding Way To Eliminate The Killer Spike Protein

My name is Dr. Jesse Santiano. I own and write all the articles on this website. I’m adding a video format on, and this will be the first.  In this video, I will explain what I believe, the best way to avoid the complications of spike proteins, namely premature deaths, cancer, heart attacks, strokes,…

The Slow Boil of the Populations

My previous article, Decreased Number of Births in Countries with the Highest COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake, described the lower birth rates the year after the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in the most vaccinated countries in the world. In this piece, I aimed to look at the data of the least vaccinated countries and compare them to see if…