Complete Heart Block after the Pfizer COVID shot

This article is about a man who developed a complete heart block the day after getting the Pfizer COVID injection.

A Complete Heart Block is an electrical block that can cause sudden death. That is different from a coronary artery blockage due to atherosclerotic plaque.

Background: Normal Heart Conduction

Blood flow from the heart depends on the sequential contraction of the heart’s chambers.

Complete Heart Block After The Pfizer Covid Shot
Contracting Human Heart By Dr. Jana

The upper chambers or atrium contract first and push blood to the lower chambers called the ventricles. The thicker ventricles push the blood into the lungs and the whole body.

Complete Heart Block After The Pfizer Covid Shot
Chambers Of The Heart By Wapcaplet

The coordinated heart contraction depends on the proper electrical conduction in the heart. Each part of the heart is sequentially stimulated by electricity.

The “wiring” diagram of the heart is shown below. The electrical activity or action potential starts from the sinoatrial node (SA), goes to the atrioventricular node (AV), and then spreads to the Purkinje fibers to the rest of the heart.

Complete Heart Block After The Pfizer Covid Shot
Conduction System Of The Heart By Madhero

Complete Heart Block

A defect in the AV node blocks the electrical flow to the Purkinje fibers in a complete heart block. The result is that the heart cannot pump blood to the whole body, including the brain. That is why losing consciousness or syncope is the most common presentation.

That happened to a 57-year-old man who was brought to an emergency room. He had just received the third shot of the Pfizer COVID “vaccine” the day before.

The patient had several on-and-off episodes of syncope — first before the 911 call, another in the helicopter on the way to the hospital, and several times in the emergency department. The patient regained full consciousness in between the heart blocks.

A temporary pacemaker was placed to regulate his heartbeat and prevent him from dying. A coronary angiogram showed normal coronary arteries. An echocardiogram showed a decrease in contractile function.

MRI showed findings consistent with myocarditis, and a heart biopsy confirmed the lymphocytic myocarditis.


The intermittent heart block resolved on the fourth day of hospitalization, and he was discharged without needing a permanent pacemaker. Outpatient follow-up showed resolution of the heart block and normalization of heart size and functions.

The diagnosis is lymphocytic myocarditis and complete heart block with ventricular standstill suspected to be secondary to administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

The report continues to say that COVID shots are safe and effective, which is needed nowadays to get your paper published in any journal. Even if they just reported about a patient that almost died due to the same shots, that are “safe.”

Lymphocyte Amok

Lymphocyte Amok” was the term coined by a group of German pathologists, including Dr. Arne Burkhardt, who performed a series of autopsies on patients who died after the COVID shots. Their report found lymphocyte infiltration in all the organs, including the heart. You can watch the Pathology conference at this LINK.

Lymphocytes are white blood cells that are part of the immune response. The lymphocytes infiltrated the internal organs because they detected the spike proteins in those organs.

Spike proteins, as you know, are not a normal body part. Reverse transcription enzymes of the body (LINE1) turn or reverse-transcribed the spike RNA from the vaccines into DNA to become part of the human tissues. However, the immune system still recognizes the spike proteins as foreign or “non-self.”

The result is autoimmunity, where the body’s immune system attacks itself. The result is a dysfunction of the organs, just like a complete heart block.

Learn more about how the mRNA in the shots becomes DNA, Intermittent fasting results in new and stress-resistant the blood cells

Parting thoughts

The patient with the complete heart block in this article is very fortunate to receive the best medical care possible. Only three seconds of cardiac standstill is needed to make anyone pass out.

If that person is asleep, alone, or did not seek medical help in case they wake up. They will be among those reported to have died “unexpectedly” or “suddenly” without previous medical problems. Sounds familiar?

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Kimball E, Buchwalder K, Upchurch C, Kea B. Intermittent complete heart block with ventricular standstill after Pfizer COVID-19 booster vaccination: A case report. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2022 Apr 20;3(2):e12723. doi: 10.1002/emp2.12723. PMID: 35475120; PMCID: PMC9020811.

Image credits:

  1. Contracting human heart By DrJanaOfficial – Official Website, Support, CC BY-SA 4.0,
  2. Heart Chambers By Wapcaplet – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
  3. Conduction system By Madhero88 (original files); Angelito7 (this SVG version); – ConductionsystemoftheheartwithouttheHeart.png & ConductionsystemoftheheartwithoutHeart.svg, CC BY-SA 3.0,
  4. Spread of cardiac action potentials By Kalumet – selbst erstellt = Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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