Disease Prevention Has a Deadline


Disease prevention does not last forever.  We can only postpone it for so long. Eventually, blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, and stroke will happen. What was reversible before is now permanent.

Disease prevention should be dealt with posthaste. The attempt to reverse or prevent obesity and metabolic syndrome should have started yesterday.


Cold Calling

Statistics show that only 1% of people called by telemarketers respond favorably to them. That is quite a low number, but probably the success rate of this blog may not be far from that. Some probably read this blog for “entertainment value” and forget what they learned after 5 minutes. Are you the 1%? I always say that the body is like a credit card. You can use that card all you want (an unhealthy lifestyle), but eventually, you will have to pay (illness). The alternative is filing for bankruptcy (death).

Sudden death is for the lucky. The unlucky survivors can lead a life of disability with loss of independence. Unable to go unaided from one place to another. Easy fatigability. Dialysis for 3 hours 3 times a week,  not counting the travel time and expense. Calling for somebody to help you go to the bathroom for one hour or until you pee on yourself.  Waiting for somebody to bring you food instead of preparing it yourself. Yes, I have seen all of that happen to patients.

Life is too short for a disease.

Related Reading:

  • The Complete Series of “How to Prepare for that Unplanned Emergency Room Visit”
  • Part 1 talks about why preparation is needed for an emergency room visit
  • Part 2 lists the most essential medical information to bring to the emergency room.
  • Part 3 describes the other medical information that are also important.
  • Part 4 enumerates the different ways to carry medical information
  • Part 5 lists all the needed medical information in a shortlist that can be copied and pasted to a word processing app ready to be filled.
  • The Two Minute Warning


Photo Credits:

Pink Wilted Flower Photo by Mat Reding on Unsplash

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