Horrific Findings in the Pfizer Biontech Vaccines

The Pfizer Biontech mRNA vaccine leads to a decrease in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and is contaminated.

Those are what Dr. Richard Fleming observed after looking at five samples of the Pfizer Biontech vaccine.

Dr. Richard Fleming is a medical doctor, a lawyer, and a nuclear physicist. He was on ABC’s 2020 News for his “theory” that cardiovascular disease is due to inflammation. He has a website, https://www.flemingmethod.com/, where you can find out more about him.

You can watch Dr. Flemings’s full presentation on Infowars.com.

Decrease Oxygen Capacity of the Blood

The first part demonstrated what happened after the addition of the Pfizer vaccine to red blood cells RBCs. In the photo below, Unexposed RBCs are in the left upper image. The bright red color reflects their oxygen content. The picture below it shows the RBCs after exposure to the Pfizer vaccine. The dull red color means the RBCs have a lower oxygen content.

Horrific Findings in the Pfizer Biontech Vaccines
Source: Infowars

Lack of oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells can affect the functions of different organs.

Contaminants in the Vaccines

The four other images show fiber and crystal-like contaminants.

I circled the contaminants or “garbage” as Dr. Fleming describes them in the following images.

Horrific Findings in the Pfizer Biontech Vaccines
Source: Infowars

The slide below has more junk than I can encircle.

Horrific Findings in the Pfizer Biontech Vaccines
Source: Infowars

The image below is normal saline. That is how an uncontaminated vaccine should appear. The streaks and tiny dots are the effects of the glass slides.

Horrific Findings in the Pfizer Biontech Vaccines
Source: Infowars

This is what Dr. Flemings has to say about his findings:

Horrific Findings in the Pfizer Biontech Vaccines

Product Liability Issue

Dr. Fleming added,

Under the Microscope the Pfizer Vaccine is Filled with Material That Fails Accdepted Standards for a Product Injected into People.

Not Only Does This Demostrate a Failure on the Part of the FDA

But it is a Legal Product Liability Issue.

Under a STRICT LIABILITY, those who Sell a Defective Product that Unreasonably Threatens the Personal Consumer is Legally Liable

The Product Liability issue is different from the Exemption that Vaccine Manufacturers have in the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness ActPREP ACT. Under the PREP Act, a person cannot sue the vaccine manufacturer even if they have an adverse effect. 

many countries have found vaccine contaminants

COVID vaccine contamination has been documented before. The first was from Spain. The Whole English translation of the Spanish study showing 99% Graphene Oxide in the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

A more recent one is from Germany:  Unidentified Foreign Bodies in the Vaccines Form Clots.

Japan also reported stainless steel in Moderna mRNA vaccines. 

Any contaminants floating in the bloodstream can start a blood clot. Vaccine manufacturers should recall contaminated products.

Dr. Fleming has a petition to investigate and prosecute the people responsible for crimes against humanity.

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1 Reply to “Horrific Findings in the Pfizer Biontech Vaccines”

  1. Hi, Dr…so, Dr. Fleming says no graphene oxide in the shots (at least Pfizer samples he tested)…but other study(ies) say there IS graphene oxide?

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