Intermittent Fasting vs. Sulfonylureas: Effect on High insulin

High insulin levels (hyperinsulinemia) in adult-onset or Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is unhealthy.

The Following are the Effects of High Insulin

  1. Diabetes
  2. Hypertension
  3. Stiffening of the heart leading to heart failure.
  4. Fatty liver
  5. Obesity
  6. Insulin resistance.
  7. Metabolic syndrome
  8. High triglyceride levels
  9. Problems with the inner lining of the blood vessels.
  10. 1-10 work with one another and lead to many other diseases.


Drugs like Glyburide Make High Insulin Worse

Sulfonylureas like glyburide are popular drugs for Type 2 diabetes.  They lower the blood sugar by making the pancreas produce more insulin. The high insulin will lower the blood sugar and show it as “normal” when a blood test is done.

But the additional insulin worsens the ongoing high insulin already present.

Knowing this, it is not a surprise that diabetics are also obese, hypertensive, and have a high risk for cardiovascular diseases.

How Does Intermittent Fasting Get Rid of High Insulin?

During the fasting period, the stored calories in the liver and muscles are used, and no further calories are added. This makes room in the liver and muscles for the next meal.

When eating happens again, There will be plenty of room to store the new calories. There won’t be a need for additional insulin.

An analogy will be if you want hot coffee in your favorite mug, that mug has to be empty of old, cold coffee. Or else, there won’t be room for that steaming coffee.

On top of that, intermittent fasting makes the pancreas better in producing insulin. Eliminating the need for a drug like glyburide to produce more insulin.

That is why someone with diabetes who is taking sulfonylurea should not do IF without consulting their doctor for dose adjustment. The blood sugar can become dangerously low.


Intermittent fasting is better than sulfonylurea in lowering high insulin levels.

Stay tuned for Round 3.  What produces better outcomes in heart attacks? Intermittent fasting or sulfonylureas?

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  1. Thomas, Dylan D et al. “Hyperinsulinemia: An Early Indicator of Metabolic Dysfunction.” Journal of the Endocrine Society vol. 3,9 1727-1747. 24 Jul. 2019, doi:10.1210/js.2019-00065
  2. Del Prato S, Leonetti F, Simonson DC, Sheehan P, Matsuda M, DeFronzo RA. Effect of sustained physiologic hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia on insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in manDiabetologia. 1994;37(10):1025–1035. 
  3. Grajower, M.M.; Horne, B.D. Clinical Management of Intermittent Fasting in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Nutrients 201911, 873.

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Fatty Liver By The original uploader was Countincr at English Wikipedia. (Original text: National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse) –, Public Domain,

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