More than 50% of vaccinated athletes with Myocarditis

In an interview by Dr. Robert Malone with the pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Milhoan, he mentioned a study that showed that more than 50% of athletes have myocarditis.

Dr. Jean Jeudy, a radiologist, conducted the study quoted by Dr. Milhoan. Here is a snippet from the press release by the Radiological Society of North America regarding Dr. Jeudy’s study (Emphases added)

Dr. Jeudy reviewed the results of 1,597 cardiac MRI exams collected at the 13 participating schools.

There was no selection bias for cardiac MRI, as all COVID-positive athletes underwent a complete cardiac battery of tests including cardiac MRI, echocardiogram, ECG and blood tests, as well as a complete medical history.

Thirty-seven of the athletes, or 2.3%, were diagnosed with COVID-19 myocarditis, a percentage on par with the incidence of myocarditis in the general population.

However, an alarmingly high proportion of the myocarditis cases were found in athletes with no clinical symptoms.

Twenty of the patients with COVID-19 myocarditis (54%) had neither cardiac symptoms nor cardiac testing abnormalities. Only cardiac MRI identified the problem.

“Testing patients for clinical symptoms of myocarditis only captured a small percentage of all patients who had myocardial inflammation,” Dr. Jeudy said. “Cardiac MRI for all athletes yielded a 7.4-fold increase in detection.”

From the press release, it looks like the myocarditis cases are caused by COVID-19 however a study from Israel disproved that. I discussed that in,

Israel study: No increased incidence of myocarditis with COVID-19

We all know that student and professional athletes were required (forced, coerced) to get the COVID shots.

The COVID jabs from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson and Johnson contain the messenger RNA sequences to produce the spike protein that can elicit autoimmunity to the heart.

Myocarditis is heart muscle inflammation usually caused by an autoimmune response. Autoimmunity occurs when antibodies formed against an external antigen or viral particle attack an internal organ.

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein cross-reacts with eleven human proteins to cause autoimmune diseases.

As an aside, Why is it that you seldom hear players from the National Football League don’t get COVID-19?

The NFL is giving their players IVERMECTIN as a prophylactic AND to prevent “positive” Covid tests

I also suspect that NFL team owners have refused further COVID jabs on their players as soon as they found out that ivermectin works. That is why you don’t see any players dropping dead this season.

Consistency with the prospective Thai study

In Dr. Jeudy’s study, all athletes were tested on whether or not they had symptoms. That is similar to a study from Thailand that evaluated all students who had the COVID vaccine and found a high number of suspected myocarditis, even in asymptomatic children. I talked about that study at

Thai study shows a whopping 1,660 myocarditis cases per 100K COVID injections.

I’m not the only one who made that claim that initially sounded outlandish. Dr. Peter McCullough also quoted that Thai study. In an interview by Children’s Health Defense, Dr. McCullogh concluded that 25,000 myocarditis per million were injected.

Japan Healthy Vaccinee Study

This week, I published an article featuring a Japanese study showing that deaths from myocarditis are increased in ALL ages, including the elderly. The study also added that if the “Healthy Vaccinee Effect” is considered, myocarditis deaths are more than a thousand percent higher compared to the unvaxxed.

COVID jabs increased Risk of Myocarditis Deaths for ALL Ages

Bottomline: Three studies from the US, Thailand, and Japan show more than a thousand-fold increase in myocarditis in those who got the COVID shots.

Don’t Get Sick.


  1. Autopsy of a soldier who died of myocarditis after Pfizer COVID vaccination
  2. A professional athlete who died of fulminant myocarditis after the Moderna jab
  3. Myocarditis by age, sex, and COVID shot
  4. COVID shots cause a 25% increase in cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome in those under 40 years old
  5. Kaiser Permanente study shows myopericarditis is 43 times higher than VAERS reports.
  6. Higher blood pressure after COVID shots and why it happens
  7. Study shows spike proteins affect cardiac pericytes 
  8. Circulation: Myocarditis related to COVID-19 shots in teenagers and young adults
  9. Anti-Idiotype Antibodies against the Spike Proteins may Explain myocarditis
  10. Myocarditis after mRNA Vaccination in the Military
  11. Myocarditis and the COVID vaccine

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